Street Team Collaborations

Seven students throw confetti into the air
Team Periwinkle

"(Street Teams) make me feel like I belong to a place - not just our team but to the city of Lansing. Thank you ... for the opportunity you give all of us to connect with the community." - Manuel Pérez Salas

Street Teams partner with nonprofit organizations. They solve their communications challenges through creativity, innovation and collaboration. Throughout the process, teams are mentored by their peers and MSU faculty, staff and alumni. They also network with professionals, industry leaders and our project sponsor MSU Federal Credit Union. 

Street Team participants create portfolio-worthy products for their nonprofit clients. Their work includes social media campaigns, brand guides and strategies, graphic design, video, professional writing and so much more.

We are proud of their work. They are proud of what they produce. And, most importantly, our nonprofit partners use these products in their day-to-day and annual communications strategies.

2023-2024 Street Team Projects

The Poetry Room logo

Amethyst worked with The Poetry Room to tell the story of their community. They created an illustrated poetry book and documentary videos.

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Downtown Lansing Inc. and City of Lansing logo

Delphinium worked with Downtown Lansing Inc. and the City of Lansing to help improve the public perception of Reutter Park. They created a website and digital community resource board and a campaign to encourage local tourism.

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CADSA logo

Sapphire worked with the Capital Area Down Syndrome Association to develop a capture the support and community at CADSA. They created social media graphics and short- and long-form videos.

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RTCA gear logo

Ultraviolet worked with the REO Town Commercial Association to develop a cohesive brand identity and advertise the eclectic charm of the district. They created a brand guide, brochure, print and social media graphics, website consistency, member incentives and a map of the area.

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2022-2023 Street Team Projects

Bloom worked with the Constellation Cat Cafe to develop a cohesive brand identity and advertise their upcoming move to a new location. They accomplished this by creating a new logo, brand guide, print and social media graphics, and pet information templates.

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Charcoal worked with Old Town Commercial Association to showcase the diverse businesses within Old Town and develop a cohesive brand look, feel, and tone for their platforms. They accomplished this by creating a brand guide, social media bucket list, and promotional videos.

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Ivy worked with The Fledge to define their visual identity and tell their story through a multi-faceted design campaign. They accomplished this by creating posters, stickers, tote bags, and video testimonials. 

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Sage worked with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) to recalibrate their communication strategy through the creation of promotional materials. They accomplished this through a new website design, print materials, social media templates, and communications strategy guide. 

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2021-2022 Street Team Projects

Electric worked with Mikey 23 Foundation to streamline their website and develop promotional assets to increase their brand consistency. They accomplished this by creating a website design, a cohesive brand guide, and a promotional video.


Golden worked with the Greater Lansing Food Bank to create promotional materials that educate the community about their mission and present their impact. They accomplished this by creating an informational booklet and a promotional video. 


Lilac worked with Small Talk Children’s Advocacy Center to generate awareness of the non-profit and its annual auction fundraiser. They accomplished this by creating a digital and print media campaign composed of videos, graphics, and social media templates.


Mantis worked with the Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center to raise awareness about the center and promote their new location. They accomplished this by creating a timeline graphic of the nonprofit's history, a rack card, social media templates, and videos. 


Marmalade worked with R.E. Olds Transportation Museum to generate awareness and establish brand consistency across platforms. They accomplished this by creating a brand guide, print and social media graphics, a website redesign, and a virtual tour.


Vanta worked with the Allen Neighborhood Center to raise awareness about their organization through the creation of a consistent visual identity and strategy. They accomplished this by creating a social media guide, social media graphics, and a promotional video.


2020-2021 Street Team Projects

Salus Center logo

Calypso worked with the Salus Center to produce assets that increase brand consistency. They accomplished this by establishing a brand guide, social media templates and a calendar, and a video that focused on donors and people in the community.

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Todd Martin Youth Leadership logo

Cerulean worked with Todd Martin Youth Leadership to establish brand consistency across platforms. They accomplished this through social media templates, a content calendar, examples of messaging, a brand guide and videos.

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The Army of Survivors logo

Clover worked with The Army of Survivors to expand the awareness of the nonprofit through digital media and strategy. They accomplished this by creating a brand identity and assets, social media templates and digital storytelling pieces.

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Woldumar Logo

Sunshine worked with Woldumar Nature Center to create resources for visitors, donors and members. Their focus was on organization and consistency. This would help the nonprofit address growing program enrollment and hospitality requests. They accomplished this through a content creation guide, a series of brochures and a video about the center.

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Refugee Development Center logo

Wisteria worked with the Refugee Development Center to increase awareness of their English language program. They accomplished this through social media templates, a video, posters and suggested messaging to promote the program.

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2019-2020 Street Team Projects

Loudspace logo

Azure worked with Loudspace to increase attendance at events, their social media presence and their engagement with artists and the community. 

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Communities in Schools of Michigan logo

Celestial helped build the “Michigan Story” and celebrate the achievements of Communities in Schools of Michigan.

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Helping Women Period graphic with text stating "break these barriers"

Cerise helped increase the communication efforts of Helping Women Period through educational social media campaigns.

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BC3NP logo

Moonstone helped the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control and Navigation Program create a consistent visual identity and strategy for reaching a statewide audience.

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illustration of carbon dioxide and water making sugar

Periwinkle increased social media strategies for the MidMichigan Environmental Action Council. They developed educational materials for two campaigns: green infrastructure and 10,000 trees.

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Arts Council of Greater Lansing logo

Riveter worked with the Arts Council of Greater Lansing to create strategies for a more concise, consistent voice.

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Current and Past Nonprofit Partners

Thank you, MSUFCU logo and MACC logo

Street Teams would not be possible without the support of MSU Federal Credit Union. This activity is also supported in part by an award from the MICHIGAN ARTS AND CULTURE COUNCIL.