Annual Fund Priorities

Alumni support has sustained us through remarkable challenges and remains more imperative than ever before. We have made advances in student and faculty success, growing our reputation internationally as one of the top-ranked colleges in the discipline. We did this together, but there is still much to be done.

Our central focus for this year is student success — increasing the graduation rate, reducing the amount of time to graduation, improving our job placement rates and supporting students from historically marginalized groups. You have the potential to make a difference in the lives of our students through your philanthropy. Your gifts allow us to support students in need, expand programs and provide world-class learning opportunities. Make a lasting impact, for our college and students, by making your annual gift to ComArtSci today.


Dean’s General Fund

ComArtSci Hallway with students walking

The Dean’s fund for the college helps us create innovative programming, invest in new opportunities, and sustain academic programs along with other current needs. These funds bridge the gap between appropriated funds and what is needed in order to provide the very best experience.

give to the fund now

Student Emergency Fund

"After years of hard work, filled with challenges and some of the most memorable experiences of my life, I am one step closer to completing my undergraduate degree thanks to the emergency aid grant. I've been working for more than 5 years on completing my degree, largely due to the economic strain of tuition, the funds that were given to me have provided motivation and a means to finishing my dreams and achieving my goals."

Communication Senior 

Top of a graduation hat reading, "So very thankful"

Spartans work hard to earn their college degree, relying on a combination of student loans, savings and part-time jobs to afford higher education. When adversity strikes, they may not have the resources to weather the storm. The goal of the Student Emergency Fund is to answer a desperate need for ComArtSci students by providing with small amounts to overcome unexpected obstacles – obstacles that could be the only barrier to getting a degree. Learn more here

GIVE to the fund NOW

CAS Alumni Communication Fund

LA Study Abroad Students

The Alumni Communication Fund supports student interns doing the work of sharing alumni stories. Students are tasked with sharing Spartan stories, developing communication strategies to reach our global alumni population and raising awareness of the range of engagement opportunities available to Spartans.

GIVE to the fund NOW