Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

How safe is your digital data? October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month — a national effort to raise awareness about digital security and empower technology users to protect themselves and their personal information online.

New in Cybersecurity from ComArtSci

  • Building Cybersecurity Capacity Through Education, Awareness, and Training 
    Ruth Shillair, Patricia Esteve-González, William H. Dutton, Sadie Creese, Basie Von Solms
  • Check it out

  • This November, Dr. Shillair’s team at the Global Cyber Security Capacity Building Centre (Oxford University) will also be leading a workshop at the Global Conference of Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B) in Acca, Ghana — focused on helping equip nations in developing their cybersecurity resources.

Faculty Experts in Cybersecurity and Information Policy

ComArtSci’s Department of Media and Information is home to faculty who specialize in teaching and researching cybersecurity every day. Explore the profile links below to learn more about their research, awards and grants.

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MSU IT has launched a new campaign for this year’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Throughout October, they are releasing five episodes of MSU IT Street Trivia, where Spartans’ cybersecurity knowledge is put to the test.

Watch episodes and learn more

Protecting the MSU community is all about increasing knowledge and decreasing cybersecurity risk. You might not think your data is worth protecting, but your MSU credentials can be used as a gateway to important institutional data. Better awareness = better security.


More Cybersecurity at ComArtSci:

2022 Cybersecurity Awareness Month

2021 Cybersecurity Awareness Month