MSU StratCom is graduating its sixth cohort this spring semester. In total, 22 students will be graduating with their M.A. in strategic communication.
MSU StratCom held a virtual recognition ceremony on April 30; the university is hosting a virtual commencement for master’s and educational specialists on May 7.
Below are a few of the graduates reflecting on their time in the program.
"I never thought I would find a program where I enjoyed every single course I took! Becoming a part of the Strat [Com] family is one of the best decisions I've made in a while." - Kenedi Robinson
"The role of communications professionals couldn’t be more critical than today. StratCom’s curriculum is relevant, providing the best tools, practices and thinking, and helped me confidently serve my organization and the communities we support during this historic year." - Robyn Rosenthal
“… I am holding my framed StratCom acceptance letter. I framed that as a motivation throughout the program. When things were stressful and overwhelming, I would look at the acceptance letter and visualize the diploma. It helped. When my diploma arrives, I’ll take a similar picture for the full-circle moment.” - Marc Rodriguez