Civic Infrastructure Lab Research

Civic customization

Cotter, K., Medeiros, M., Thorson, K. (2019). Building Algorithmic Knowledge: Customization as Experiential Learning. International Communication Association.

Medeiros, M., Toper, V., & Thorson, K. (2019). Interpreted political interest: Experimentally manipulating civic customization to measure on exposure to politics on Facebook. Midwest Political Science Association: Political Communication.

Thorson, K., Medeiros, M., Cotter, K., & Pak, C. (2018). Advertising categories as clues about political content exposure on Facebook. American Political Science Association: Information Technology and Politics.

Thorson, K., Cotter, K., Medeiros, M., & Pak, C. (2018). Digital traces of political interest and exposure to political content on Facebook. International Communication Association: Communication and Technology.

Thorson, K., Xu, Y., & Edgerly, S. (2018). Political inequalities start at home: Parents, children, and the socialization of civic infrastructure online. Political Communication, 35(2), 178-195.

Thorson, K., Medeiros, M., Cotter, K., & Pak. C. (2018). Advertising categories as clues about political content exposure on Facebook. American Political Science Association: Information Technology and Politics.

Thorson, K., Cotter, K., Medeiros, M., & Pak, C. (2018). Digital traces of political interest and exposure to political content on Facebook. International Communication Association: Communication and Technology.

Thorson, K., XU, Y., & Edgerly, S. (2018). Political inequalities start at home: Parents, children, and the socialization of civic infrastructure online. Political Communication, 35(2), 178-195.

Wells, C., & Thorson, K. (2017). Combining big data and survey techniques to model effects of political content flows in Facebook. Social Science Computer Review, 35(1), 33-52.

Thorson, K., & Wells, C. (2016). Curated flows: A framework for mapping media exposure in the digital age. Communication Theory, 26(3), 309-328.

Digital Infrastructure and media ecology


Thorson, K., Chen, Y., Cotter, K., Medeiros, M., Rodgers, K., Bae, A., Baykaldi, S. (2019). When the news shrinks: Social media, community information needs, and the evaporation of politics. International Communication Association: Journalism Studies.

Medeiros, M. (2019). Politicians on Facebook: Constituent Communication at Three Levels. International Communication Association: Political Communication.