New season, new skills. Take the summer months to level up in areas that you can add to your resume, while boosting your marketability for internships and jobs.
Courses to help you broaden skills

New season, new skills. Take the summer months to level up in areas that you can add to your resume, while boosting your marketability for internships and jobs.
Have you ever wondered how Superbowl ads get made? Or how that Instagram ad gets you to click? In ADV 205 you’ll go behind the scenes to explore what a career in advertising could be.
Communication design principles used by art directors for research, exploration, and execution. Visual communication solutions using design principles with the appropriate digital technology. Design software includes Adobe CC Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign.
Your foundational writing experience for the advertising world begins now! In ADV 225, you’ll learn AP Style, practice collecting reliable information, and produce a variety of written communications, applicable to real-world creative roles.
Sharpen your decision-making skills by solving real-world advertising problems in ADV 330. Get a glimpse of the fast-paced nature of advertising and view, approach, unpack, frame, and manage your way through actual advertising case studies.
This course informs students about the complexity and nuances of marketing communications in the global marketplace. Whether you work for a company in the US or abroad, the knowledge and skills gained from the course are essential to work in today’s advertising and media business.
The primary purpose of this course is to introduce you to the account planning and research roles in advertising, and to provide you with the important strategic perspective and technical skills needed to excel in the field.
Learn how to set objectives, develop strategies and choose communication tactics to achieve your communication goals. Dive into audience analysis and competitor analysis. Plus, get hands-on experience with media planning and budgeting.
Explore the power of branding by creating a brand manifesto. Build out your brand identity and culture through different kinds of media. Plus, create a Branding Case Study for Use in Your Portfolio.
Love social media? Learn the latest trends in influencer marketing and advertising, how to grow your social media influence, and how to manage influencer relationships.
This course is a deep dive into understanding digital media and its impact on society. Students will learn how to creatively use the medium to its maximum potential and leverage digital data for greater effectiveness. Media/account management students will be pared with creative students, who will be challenged to create bold digital solutions for an interesting and dynamic brief. Instructor: Ross Chowles
This course is a deep dive into understanding digital media and its impact on society. Students will learn how to creatively use the medium to its maximum potential and leverage digital data for greater effectiveness. Media/account management students will be pared with creative students, who will be challenged to create bold digital solutions for an interesting and dynamic brief. Instructor: Anastasia Kononova
ADV 492 is all about your creative portfolio. About how to make it better. About making it more relevant to the agencies and the creative directors you want to work for. Portfolio Evolution isn’t simply about polishing the portfolio you already have. It’s about taking a long, hard look at what’s there, eliminating what’s not working, taking what’s working and making it work better, and adding new work that kicks some serious . . . well, you know the rest. Whether you’re an art director or a copywriter, Portfolio Evolution is about putting together as accurate a representation of your skill and your potential as can be assembled in one semester. Then again, if you do it right, one semester might be all you need. Instructor: Louis Schiavone III
This class is an introduction to the work of a public relations practitioner in the business of sport and entertainment. Instruction requires online interaction with flexible time frames for meeting course requirements. This asynchronous class provides learning materials and requirements for interaction with faculty and other students, including deadlines for the completion of learning objectives. This class is open to all majors. Weekly assignments are submitted online. Instructor: Alexandrea Stanley
Motion graphics is a course that teaches students how to visually communicate a message with a viewer by the animation of graphic design. The course explores time-based motion design in which students create literal and abstract projects that combine typography, image, sound, video and animation in a narrative sequence. Students look into different methods of storytelling and work at the design and development process of a piece from storyboarding to final rendering. Instructor: Maral Zakharia
Master creative problem solving with CAS 110. Learn the theories of critical thinking and practice solving complex problems to create impactful media content.
For anyone looking to learn the important skills of design, this is the class for you! Explore the foundational concepts of print design and graphics while learning the fundamentals of Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator.
If you are unable to enroll in this class, please submit a course request at or email
Level up your storytelling skills by understanding the role of sound and editing in media communications.
In this course, explore creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship! You'll discover the habits and actions of innovative thinkers, the work of successful entrepreneurs and situate creativity specifically by focusing on inquiry, observation, experimentation, and other creative processes.
In CAS 116, learn how to visualize your ideas from sketching to final application in real and conceptual imagery using both traditional and digital methods.
Communicate through games in CAS 117! Develop responsive media and interactive designs through physical games and modern interactive software.
Master professional web authoring techniques in media settings while practicing aesthetic design, modern production, and technology standards.
Get behind the camera in CAS 205. Learn the essential techniques for capturing, processing, and exporting digital images for the world of media.
Essential techniques for creating digital illustrations and graphics for media projects.
Learn how to propel a start-up forward by maximizing social media and other digital spaces. Review brand websites, videos, podcasts, and social sites and analyze how each further promotes an entrepreneurial idea.
Looking to brush up on your interviewing or public speaking skills? Enter COM 100 where you’ll dive into the ins and outs of human communication. Learn how to best communicate your skills and professional experience to future employers. An added bonus? Say goodbye to communication apprehension and public speaking anxiety.
Interpersonal communication is how we communicate with others. In COM 225, you’ll learn about different communication methods – verbal, nonverbal, conflict, computer-mediated and cultural communication, among others. These skills will help you best maneuver social connections personally and professionally.
Communicating to and for an organization – big or small – is no easy task, So, how do places like the local coffee shop or Google do it? Step into COM 240 and gather tips on how to effectively create a communication structure within an organization.
Let’s take a look at the science side of communication! Whether it’s a case study or other research materials, you’ll learn how communication is studied within these contexts. This course is a great primer to learn how to set up surveys and studies; interpret research and analyze data.
Learn to become an effective leader in a small group by understanding what makes a group tick. Dive into what makes communication in a group effective and what doesn’t, and the important role that communication takes on. Then, take these skills to your next group project or work meeting and reap the benefits.
The focus of this class is to help you understand the process of creating a film product. We will cover basic camera operation, capturing sound and appreciate the editing process route to a final film product.
This class will focus on best practices based on professional experience working in high-end post production facilities in Los Angeles and New York. The goal is for each student to have the technical knowledge and creative skill to land a job as an assistant editor in a top market.
What does a journalist do? How is a story formed? Dive right in with JRN 200 and learn the ins and outs of what it takes to be a journalist. You’ll learn reporting and writing skills; ethics and AP style. Plus, you’ll actually report on and write articles.
Storytelling isn’t just words. We know that so much more than that can create good stories. In JRN 203, you’ll learn how to tell stories through visuals! Whether it’s photos, an infographic or a reel, practice what makes an effective visual story.
Fundamentals of video storytelling using phone cameras. Basics of shooting and editing video. Video aesthetics. Natural sound. Audio and microphones. Interviewing. Journalism news gathering and ethics.
Let your creativity flow in this 2D animation course! Tell stories to educate or entertain using animations you develop. Learn the technical skills to create the images and practice the basics of putting together characters and plot.
Have you ever wondered what stop motion animation is? Look no further than JRN 312. Practice storyboarding, plot and sequence development and be well on your to telling an engaging story sequence that captivates audiences. It takes some effort, but trust us -- it’s worth it.
Branding. Don't just brand your work, brand yourself. You'll learn branding principles to create and develop your own brand(s) to launch or further your own career as an entrepreneur, freelancer or other creative professional. This experience will set you up and teach you strategies for branding companies, projects and products.
If you are unable to enroll in this class, please submit a course request at or email
When you hear John Williams, do you think of Jurassic Park? Star Wars? Jaws? Immediately, you know the iconic scores attached to each of those movies, don’t you? Well, you can create your very own score for a movie, trailer or TV in JRN 412.
Tell your stories in 3D in JRN 413! You’ll go over details, details, details! Face animation to hand gestures to camera sequencing -- you’ll learn it all.
Let’s talk about the environment. In this course, you’ll learn about the coverage of the environment. You’ll also have the chance to publish stories on Great Lakes Echo, the award-winning nonprofit, professional-caliber environmental news service that provides stories, photos, graphics and podcasts by students, faculty members and professional journalists.
How do you understand digital users? In this class, take a look at methods for collecting data about people’s experiences, beliefs and practices related to the technologies they currently use. Then, learn how to interpret and utilize that data. Plus, dive into the careers related to this type of work
Blend fun and critical thinking in MI 230. This game design course will give you a better understanding of the ins and outs of game design and development. Plus, learn more about the game design industry and game design technologies.
Some from syllabus: What is a digital footprint and digital privacy? This course will provide a high-level overview of different kinds of technologies involved in capturing this information, who owns it and controls it, and how it is used to both make our lives easier and at the same time more publicly visible.
Explore the business side of media in MI 301. Given the increasing role of new media and digital communications, this course will explore how web, mobile, and social media may be utilized to reach target audiences and evoke desired outcomes.
Learn to design a website using JAVAScript, CSS and HTML. You’ll start with an idea and move to the finished product. The best part? You’ll walk away with products to add to your portfolio, where you’ll have demonstrated your skill and understanding of designing for desktop and mobile.
Learn how to write for games! In this course, you’ll learn writing techniques for games, you’ll engage in readily available tools to increase skills in game writing, and, importantly, you’ll work on your own game writing project.
Theory and workflow of feature characters for games, movies, and television.
Online section. This class will delve deeply into the structure and mechanics of the human body, carefully analyzing section by section. An understanding of volumes of the muscles as well as how to depict their basic shapes will provide a solid foundation for students willing to have the human figure as the basis of their work.
Experience hands-on public relations writing in PR 225, with explanations of PR theories and practical applications of written business communications.
Production of social media and public relations messages to achieve strategic organizational communication objectives. Techniques for measuring success. Development of public relations portfolio.
Strategic planning and ethical considerations in public relations, social media and digital media.