- Understand the logic behind engaging storytelling
- Recognize the ways others can inform and engage the public via social media
- Evaluate the ways others are using social media storytelling based on class concepts and lived experiences
Additional Resources
Cultural cartography: How Buzzfeed organizes their content
Use This Storytelling Framework to Craft Amazing Narratives
The Best Time to Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Social media tips: What to post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn
Note: Take these types of guidelines with a grain of salt. While they are helpful, keep in mind that algorithms change all the time, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Your best strategy is to look at your company strategy and audiences and create a plan that works for you.
We learned about some theoretical basis for different types of storytelling, and how professionals are using visuals to enhance their stories.
Pick an online community to observe. What are the structure of the stories being told there?
1) What types of stories is your analyzed community telling?
2) Can you analyze them through cultural cartography lens?
3) How are they employing visuals?