Advertising + PR Master's Application Process

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The Master of Arts in Advertising and Public Relations program admits only a limited number of highly qualified applicants to each M.A. class. In order to facilitate course sequencing and planning, applicants are encouraged to begin studies during fall semesters, although Spring admission will be considered. M.A. program is self-funded; no scholarships are available at this time.

Prospective Students Must Submit:

  • A graduate school application.
  • Official and original transcripts and degree certification documents from all colleges attended. Applicants must have completed the minimum of a 4-year bachelors program. NOTE: For applicants submitting materials from China, please see detailed information below.
  • TOEFL or IELT test scores (TOEFL is preferred) for international students. The department requires a minimum TOEFL of 100 IBT with no subscores below 22; or a 237 CBT with no subscores below 22; or a 580 PBT with no subscores below 55. IELT scores must have minimum of 7.0 with no subscores below 6.5. Provisional admission may be considered with a score of 6.5 with no subscores below 6.0. Reported scores must be no older than 2 years.
  • Three letters of recommendation from people who can describe applicant's potential for success in graduate school (no special forms required).
  • An academic statement of goals for graduate study and professional career. The academic statement should clearly identify the degree for which the student is applying and why MSU and that degree is a good fit.
  • A personal statement that discusses any obstacles the applicant overcame and/or other personal factors of interest.
  • A personal resume.
  • Statement of Financial Proof (International applicants only).

Admission is determined by an evaluation of the complete application materials. Students with grade-point averages below 3.25 in the last two years of their undergraduate work must present evidence of special merit through professional experience or extracurricular activities.

An applicant's file cannot be evaluated until all materials have arrived (this includes financial proof forms for international applicants). The deadline for receipt of application and all materials is January 15.

How to Apply

To apply to our program please follow the following steps:

1. Complete the Graduate School Application

  • The fee is $65 for domestic students and $75 for international students and can be paid with credit card, check (U.S. Funds) or money order. Apply today!

2. Upload the following materials to the Applicant Portal:

  • Two letters of recommendation - NOTE: Once you list your recommender's names and email addresses in your applicant profile, an email will be automatically sent out to the recommenders, providing them the information on how to submit their letters electronically. So, please be sure to list accurate information.
  • Academic statement.
  • Personal statement.
  • Resume or vita.
  • Statement of Financial Proof (International students only).

For international students: Your file cannot be considered complete without financial proof documents and affidavit of support. The department is unable to make a recommendation on admission if financial proof forms are not provided.

3. Send Transcripts/Degree Certificates to:

Joni Tucker, Academic Programs Coordinator
404 Wilson Road, Room 314
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 4882

Please include one copy each (sealed and stamped by institutions) of all post-secondary transcripts, graduation certificates and degrees directly to the AD+PR department within the College of Communication Arts and Sciences. For international students, MSU requires these documents in the original language (e.g. Chinese) as well as an official English translation.

Michigan State University requires all incoming admitted students wishing to accept and attend MSU, and who have pursued or are pursuing degrees from universities in mainland China, to submit a verification report (English version) through the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) for their final bachelor's degree transcripts (大学成绩单) and bachelor's degree (本科学位证书).

All verification reports need to be sent to the MSU Office of Admissions directly by CDGDC. For those who already have a master's degree, we only need the undergraduate level verification report for your Bachelor's Degree from CDGDC. Only verification reports from the CDGDC will be accepted. MSU does not accept documents from WES or other similar organizations.

Please refer to the CDGDC website for more information.

4. Report the following directly to the Office of Admissions

  • Official TOEFL or IELT Scores *international students only* NOTE: Please use the University code of 1465. There is no need to use a department code.
  • The department requires a minimum TOEFL score of 100 with no subscores below 22.
  • If reporting IELT scores the department requires a minimum of 7.0 with no subscores below 6.5.
  • Reported scores must be no older than 2 years.

International students should be aware that in addition to your TOEFL score meeting our minimum standards, we require that all admitted international students take the English Language test provided by the University upon arrival to MSU. International students are required to take this test prior to enrolling for courses and placement into courses will be done, according to the test results. If for some reason you do not pass the test, you will be required to take a semester of English Language courses at your expense, and may not be able to enroll for any additional academic courses. Once you have successfully completed the English Language courses you will be removed from provisional to regular status. For more information about the ELC test you may visit their website. For up-to-date information on tuition and fees please visit the tuition calculator.

Please note that the department will only accept hard copies of official transcripts in an envelope sealed by the issuing institution. All other materials should be reported electronically through the applicant portal. Do not send a hard copy of supporting materials that should be submitted electronically in the applicant portal; the hard copies will not be accepted by the department.

Questions? Additional information on the application process for the Master's in Advertising and Public Relations program may be obtained from:

Joni Tucker
Academic Programs Coordinator

Anastasia Kononova
Academic Programs Coodinator