MSU at ICA 2024

In late June, faculty and graduate students of MSU’s College of Communication Arts and Sciences will travel to Gold Coast, Australia to discuss their research at the 74th Annual International Communication Association Conference.

The theme for this year is Communication and Global Human Rights. Research contributions from ComArtSci faculty are to examine “contributions of communication scholarships”, study human rights, “foreground current research and practice”, and “outline promising directions for communication studies”.

The ICA Conference will take place Thursday, June 20th - Monday, June 24th, 2024 in a hybrid capacity with sessions taking place virtually as well as in person. The in-person portion of the conference will be held at Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre as well as The Star Gold Coast.

ComArtSci presenters are italicized.

Friday, June 21 | Saturday, June 22 | Sunday, June 23 | Monday, June 24


Friday, June 21st, 2024


Are Anxiously Attached Mobile Dating App Users Less Successful and Feel Worse After Use? The Moderating Effect of Platform Anonymity
Junwen M. Hu; Marina F. Thomas

Can Large Language Models Capture Public Opinion About Global Warming? An Empirical Assessment of Algorithmic Fidelity and Bias
Sanguk Lee; Taiquan Peng; Matthew Goldberg; Seth A. Rosenthal; John Kotcher; Edward Maibach; Anthony Leiserowitz

The Development and Validation of the Motivations for Avatar-Mediated Meetings (MAMM) Scale
Swati Pandita; Rabindra (Robby) Ratan; Taenyun Kim; Dayeoun Jang; Chaeyun Lim; Kun Xu; Andrea S. Won; Vasileios Stavropoulos; Pitch Sinlapanuntakul; Anna Samira Praetorius; Jorge Peña; Inyoung Park; Kristine Nowak; Nicholas Matthews; Victoria McArthur; JIh-Hsuan (Tammy) Lin; Kwan M. Lee; Brian Klebig; Steffie S. Kim; Dominic Kao; Adam S. Kahn; David C. Jeong; Beatrice Hasler; Fox Harrell; Eugy Han; Andrew Gambino; Edward Downs; Jim Cummings; Christine L. Cook; Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen; Domna Banakou; Laura Aymerich-Franch

Making Sense of a Senseless World: How Girls From Low-Income Neighborhoods With High Violence Rates Use Media and Understand Their Own Rights
Marialina C. Antolini

How Do Individual and Societal Factors Shape News Authentication? Comparing Misinformation Resilience Across Hong Kong, the Netherlands, and the United States
Qinfeng Zhu; Taiquan Peng; Xinzhi Zhang

Can Generative AI Infer Thinking Style from Language? Questioning the Utility of AI as a Psychological Text Analysis Tool
David M. Markowitz

Generative AI Are More Truth-Biased Than Humans: A Replication and Extension of Core Truth-Default Theory Principles
David M. Markowitz; Jeff Hancock

Navigating Persuasive Strategies in Online Health Misinformation: An Interview Study With Older Adults
Wei Peng; Jingbo Meng; Barikisu Issaka

The Spiral of Silence on Social Media: Systematically Reviewing Methodological Approaches
Rui Zhu

How Accidental Is Incidental? Exploring the Unexpectedness of Digital News Exposure With the ESM Burst Method
Jakob Ohme; Kjerstin S. Thorson; Roland Toth

Mistakes Required: A Two-Wave Phenomenological Case Study on Creating Authentically Inclusive STEM TV for Preschoolers
Fashina Alade; Tara J. Mesyn; Claudia S. Aparício; Breniel Lemley        

An Avatar's Worth: Valuation of Avatar Customization for the Metaverse Workplace is Predicted by Virtual Meeting Fatigue, Gaming Habits, and Being a Woman or Person of Color
Chaeyun Lim; Rabindra (Robby) Ratan; Maxwell Foxman; Dar Meshi; Hanjie Liu; Gabriel E. Hales; Yiming (Skylar) Lei

Accessible Norms Guide Visual Attention to Peripheral Aspects of Norm-Focused Safe Drinking Message
Nancy Rhodes; Faith A. Delle; Laila Kunaish; Jack Waier

Seeing Both Sides of the Moon: Making Sense of Online Disinhibition and Inhibition Through Motivation Lens
Emily Zhan; Junwen M. Hu; Honghan Song; David Ewoldsen

Cancer Support During the Pandemic: Perceptions of Telehealth-Based Cancer Support Groups at a Rural Community Oncology Program
Bree E. Holtz; Katharine M. Mitchell; Deborah Strand; Kelly Hirko

Trade-Offs in a Bigger Pie: How the Relationships Between Digital Civic Infrastructure and Political Participation Vary Across Rural and Urban Communities in the US—The Case of Michigan
Taewoo Kang; Ava Francesca Battocchio; Kjerstin S. Thorson; Chuqing Dong; Pooja Sharma

Deconstructing Deception: Frequency, Communicator Characteristics, and Linguistic Features of Embeddedness
David M. Markowitz

The Role of Fear, Hope, Message Fatigue, and Message Shocking Value in Promoting the Public’s Understanding and Support Toward COVID-19 Wastewater Monitoring
Moonsun Jeon; Youllee Kim

Understanding “Likes” as “Resources” on Social Media Using Zero-Sum Game Paradigm: The Catalyst Effect of Perceived Value of ‘Likes’ and Zero-Sum Beliefs on Social Media Ostracism Experience
Hanjie Liu; Yiming (Skylar) Lei; David Ewoldsen

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Saturday, June 22nd, 2024


Corporate Social Advocacy or Business Engagement in Cancellation? Decoding CSA Alliance Strategies in the Age of Cancel Culture
Chuqing Dong; Hao Xu

Farmers Under Stress: Association Between Support Gaps and Agricultural Stress
Amanda Holmstrom; Gwyn Shelle

The Post-Gamer Turn
Mahli-Ann Butt; Amanda Cote; Cody Mejeur; Emil Hammar

Explaining Journalistic Epistemologies in Different Social Contexts
Tim P. Vos; Rachel Mourão; Hanan Badr; Wiebke Loosen; Anna von Garmissen; Folker Hanusch; Marcos P. Da Silva; Laura Storch

Zoom Fatigue? A Meta-Analytical Examination of Research on the Antecedents of Videoconferencing Fatigue
David G. Beyea; Chaeyun Lim; Alexander Lover; Maxwell Foxman; Rabindra (Robby) Ratan; Alex P. Leith

A Cultural Perspective to Studying Digital Divide: A Qualitative Study of Smartphone Use Among Central Asian Older Adults
Moldir Moldagaliyeva; Anastasia G. Kononova; Dana Anafina

The Bidirectional Nature of Deception for Patent-Child Relationships: A First Look at the Moderating Role of Media Use
Yan Wang; David M. Markowitz

Brazilian Indigenous Women Discourse on Instagram: A Nexus of Land, Nature and Survival
Gisele Neuls

Black Environmentalism: Social Representations of Climate Justice in Black Newspapers in the United States
Muhammad Ittefaq; Bruno Takahashi; Mauryne K. Abwao

Social Media Use and Gender Inequalities in Reading, Writing and Math: When Leisure is Learning
Gabriel E. Hales; Keith N. Hampton

Moved by Cute Ads? Effect of Kindchenschema and Whimsical Cute Elements on Consumers’ Kama Muta and Persuasive Outcomes: A Study of the US and India
Subhalakshmi Bezbaruah; Saleem Alhabash

Technologies Are Utilitarian, Humanlike, and/or Avatar-Like: From CASA to TUHA, Tested in e-Scooter Perceptions
Rabindra Ratan; Kelsey Earle; Yiming (Skylar) Lei; Gabriel E. Hales; Dayeoun Jang; Taenyun Kim; Chaeyun Lim

Effects of Cultural Tailoring on Visual Attention: A Virtual Reality (VR) Eye-Tracking Study Using a Billboard Paradigm
Moonsun Jeon; Sue Lim; Maria Lapinski; Gary Bente; Ralf Schmälzle

Emotion on Display: Using the VR Billboard Paradigm to Examine the Link between Exposure, Reception, and Retention for Emotional Billboard Messages
Hee Jung Cho; Sue Lim; Monique M. Turner; Gary Bente; Ralf Schmälzle

A Deep Dive Into Bots and Their Role in the Twitter Social Networks of the Loudoun County School Board Recall
Shimeng Dai; Yi-Chih Chiang

Influencers as Political News Providers: Understanding Patterns of Information Consumption During Elections in Brazil
Marialina C. Antolini; Gisele Neuls; Rachel Mourão; Marcos P. Da Silva

Distinguishing Water Information Disparities: Framing and Sourcing of Water Quality Stories in Rural and Urban Communities in Midwestern States
Jessica F. Walsh; Serena Miller; Mildred F. Perreault; Endurance Lawrence; Cassandra Miller

Influence of Implicit Theories of Artificial Intelligence on Immoral Human Behavior
Taenyun Kim; Nancy Rhodes

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Sunday, June 23rd, 2024


The Collegiate Census: Mapping U.S. Esports
Maxwell Foxman; Cassandra Cole; Tabitha Fairchild; Amanda Cote; Andrew J. Wilson

Playing From Home: Identity, Cohesion, and Communication for Remote Game Makers
Maxwell Foxman; Dalton Bouzek; Chaeyun Lim; Alex P. Leith

#whatagamedevlookslike: Marginalized Gameworkers and Oscillating Public Spheres
Amanda Cote; Andrew J. Wilson

Seeking Entertainment Media to Cope With Loss: An Exploratory Online Survey Experiment
Faith A. Delle

Meaning Making From Films
Rhanna Haverkort; Sara M. Grady; Serena Daalmans; Allison Eden

Examining Leader CSR Communication Through Organizational Caring Climate and a Positive Emotional Culture: Insights From US and China
Yafei Zhang; Chuqing Dong

Virtual Meeting Engagement: Development and Validation of Virtual Meeting Engagement Scale (VMES) to Understand Technology-Mediated Meetings
Chaeyun Lim

Journalistic Epistemologies and Journalism Culture in the US
Tim P. Vos; Rachel Mourão; Esther L. Thorson; Craig T. Robertson

Post-Partum Depression: Information-Seeking Behaviors Among New Mothers Through Offline and Online Channels
Barikisu Issaka; Saleem Alhabash

Operationalizing Character Motivation: A Typology of Character Beliefs and Perceptions in Narrative Content That Indicate Character Motives
Catherine A. Marple; Marina Krcmar

It is Presences All The Way Down: A Hierarchical Relationship Between Spatial, Social, and Self-Presence to Better Understand When AI is “I”
Rabindra (Robby) Ratan

Role of Mind Perceptions in Human-Chatbot Relationships: Relational Chatbots for Health Behavior Promotion
Yoo Jung Oh; Kai-Hui Liang; Jingwen Zhang; Xuanming Zhang; Zhou Yu; Yoshimi Fukuoka

Navigating Workplace Stress During COVID-19: The Impact of Employee-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility
Baobao Song; Chuqing Dong; Yafei Zhang

You Can Do It and Here’s How! The Use (or Absence) of Efficacy Messaging in Obesity Prevention Campaigns
Hee Jung Cho; Monique M. Turner; Moonsun Jeon; Hyungro Yoon; Jiawei Long; Ji-Hyun Ha

The (Unintended) Effects of Active Fact-checking Behaviors on Conspiracy Beliefs and Political Cynicism: The Moderating Role of Partisanship
Tianlun ZHOU; Xinzhi Zhang; Taiquan Peng; Qinfeng Zhu

The Role of Reward Proximity in Driving Attention During Media Processing
Chen Chen; Jacob T. Fisher

“Online for You, Offline for Us:” Understanding Political Implications of Transregional News Repertoires During the U.S.-China Tensions
Xue Zhang; Qi Zheng    

A Revolutionary Idea and Prototype to the Internet: Viewdata and Prestel
Lucinda D. Davenport

Decoding AI-Human Collaborated News: The Illusion of Credibility
Tsai-Wei Ling; Chen-Chao Tao; Kwan M. Lee

Legacies of Media Harm and the Softskills of Trustbrokers
Danielle K. Brown; Christina Myers; Jarrad Henderson; Denetra Walker

Are There Differences in Media-Based Coping Strategies Across Cultures and Stress Types?
Sara M. Grady; Lara N. Wolfers; Allison Eden

Strengthening Communication’s Voice in Inter-Disciplinary Dialogue Around the Future of Cities
Chairs(s): Matthew Matsaganis, Matthew Bui 
Participant(s): Giorgia Aiello, Sarah Barns, Burcu Baykurt, Adriana de Souza e Silva, Susan Drucker, Arlene Fernández, Myria Georgiou, Gary Gumpert, Germaine Halegoua, Keith Hampton, Yong-Chan Kim, Jeffrey Lane, Scott Mcquire, Didem Özkul, Holley Wilkin, Sherry Yu

Is My Avatar My Virtual Body?: Exploratory Research on the Relationship Between Sexual Harassment Type, Emotional Impact, and Player-Avatar Relationship
Dayeoun Jang

ICA24 Sunday Fellows' Session
Chairs(s): Marwan Kraidy
Participant(s): Jean Burgess, W. Timothy Coombs, Shirley Ho, Klaus Jensen, Seth Noar, Han Woo Park, John Pavlik, Robert Potter, Thorsten Quandt, Craig Scott, Tim Vos, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Shuhua Zhou

Children, Adolescents and the Media Business Meeting
Presentation of the 2024 Engaged Scholar Award for the Children, Adolescents, & Media Division - Fashina Aladé

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Monday, June 24th, 2024


Disinformation, Electoral Integrity, and Intervention Efficacy
Kelechi Amakoh

Metacognition’s Impact on Senders’ Feedback Effect in CMC
Duy Pham; Brandon Van Der Heide; Bobbie Rathjens; Rui Zhu; Andrew Bredland

Vicarious Interactions in Online Support Communities: Testing Attitude and Behavioral Intention Toward Online Support
Yidi Zhang; Brandon Van Der Heide

Enhancing Physical Activity Through a Mobile App-Based Relational AI Chatbot: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Yoo Jung Oh; Kai-Hui Liang; Jingwen Zhang; Diane Kim; Zhou Yu; Yoshimi Fukuoka

Touch-Up My Zoom Fatigue: Positive Attitudes About Online Meeting Platforms Are Negatively Associated With Virtual Meeting Fatigue and Positively Associated With Using Impression Management Features
Chaeyun Lim; Maxwell Foxman; Rabindra (Robby) Ratan; David G. Beyea; David C. Jeong; Alex P. Leith

A Cross-Lagged Panel Model of Financial Insecurity and Unmet Health Care Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Access to Care and Telehealth Policy
Celeste Campos-Castillo; Elise Atkinson; Prathyusha Galinkala; Tiffany Cornwall; Denise Anthony

Computational Analysis of Dyadic Facial Expressions in Face-to-Face Conversations
Sue Lim; Ralf Schmälzle

The Eyes Have It: Introducing the Pupillary Audience Response Measurement Approach (PARMA)
Ralf Schmälzle; Juncheng Wu; Sue Lim; Gary Bente

The Dual-Process Rationale for the Formation of Affective Dispositions
Joshua Baldwin; Ron Tamborini

Scoping Review of Mood Management Theory and Mood Adjustment Theory
Kevin Kryston; Allison Eden; Lindsay Hahn; Madeline Taggart; Irina D. Andreeva

Reading News With Your Ears: Exploring the Influence of Music-News Valence Congruency, Music Arousal, and Familiarity on Post-Reading Attitude
Liang Chen; Hongjie Tang; His-Chen Wu; Taiquan Peng

Can the Value-Belief-Norm Theory Explain Conservation Donation Behaviors Internationally?
Apoorva Joshi; Bruno Takahashi

Social Norms for Illegal Hunting and Patrolling to Prevent It: Formative Data for Intervention Design and Communication Campaigns
Ruth J. Heo; Maria Lapinski; Rain W. Liu; John Kerr; Jinhua Zhao; Tsering Bum; Yichao Wang; Hyungro Yoon; Sarah Hipple; Zhi Lu

Social Media Influencer Tourism Marketing as a Public Diplomacy Effort: The Effect of Influencer’s National Identity
Heijin Lee; Saleem Alhabash

An Exploratory Study of Foreign Pseudohistory on a Chinese Video-Sharing Website (Bilibili)
Yichao Wang; Yi Zhu; Siyuan Ma

Exploring Parents’ Perceptions of Computational Thinking and Its Role in Children’s TV
Breniel Lemley; Fashina Aladé; Tara J. Mesyn; Anissa Eddie; Claudia S. Aparício

Do We Want AI Judges?: The Acceptance of AI Judges' Judicial Decision-Making on Moral Foundations
Taenyun Kim; Wei Peng

Gender-Congruent Film Selections: The Influence of Norms and Identity
Kevin Kryston; Allison Eden; Nancy Rhodes; Sara M. Grady; Ezgi Ulusoy; Sunyoung Park

Implicitly Inhibit the Negative Selfs When I Browsed My Past Posts: Implicit and Explicit Self Evaluation Process on Social Media
Hanjie Liu; David Ewoldsen

Strike for the Right to Produce: How Media Frame the 2023 SAG-AFTRA Video Game Studio Strike Authorization
Amanda Cote; Brandon C. Harris

Measuring Media Multitasking: Is it Time to Abandon the Media Multitasking Index?
Douglas A. Parry; Jacob T. Fisher

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