Journalism Student Captures Content for Winning Summer College Baseball Team

Sedona Bassler, a sports journalism junior, can confidently say that she loves working in baseball after spending the summer with America’s favorite pastime.  

“Working in baseball for me was a very unexpected path,” Bassler said.  “I really fell in love with the atmosphere and community that I saw at baseball games. There are so many loyal long-time fans sitting right next to people who are at their first game ever, and they’re all watching and cheering just the same.” 

Bassler was a Creative Services Intern for the Madison Mallards, a summer college baseball team in Madison, Wisconsin. She brainstormed and planned promotional content, created pre-game TikToks, captured photos and video and produced graphic design content.  

“Through this internship, my photography, videography and editing skills were immensely improved,” Bassler said. “Along with that, my graphic design skills were advanced greatly as I learned from more experienced graphic designers about how to build a graphic step by step.” 

No two days were alike, given the numerous moving parts within the organization. She believed it was best not to fall into a daily routine, allowing her to remain flexible and prepared for the unexpected. 

“It’s best to stay on your toes, be ready for change whenever it may come, and face it with a smile on your face,” Bassler said.  

Because Bassler and her colleagues worked toward similar goals, creating and maintaining relationships were key to her role and invaluable to her experience. 

“Showing kindness to those you are working with and getting to know them instead of just aiming to check tasks off your list will make work more enjoyable and will earn you respect and trust from those you are interacting with,” Bassler said. “Forming relationships with those around you is also just fun, and I learned this summer that fun should always be a priority.” 

Her favorite memory of the season came from their 50th win, which set a franchise record for games won in a single season. The victory also clinched the Great Lakes West second-half championship and happened to be the bittersweet final regular-season home game. A celebration following the game was filled with t-shirts, fireworks and a lifelong memory for Bassler.  

“Our fans were all so excited and proud,” Bassler said. “It was an awesome way to conclude the regular season and set a great tone heading into the playoffs.” 

Bassler encourages those interested in working in sports to be open to learning new things and growing their skill set. Even with a list of defined responsibilities, there are often more opportunities to try different roles and learn from others.  

“Trying something new could lead you down the path to your new dream job, or just serve as a learning moment that you carry with you in your back pocket,” Bassler said. “It can’t hurt to try something new.” 


By: Olivia Austin