Coming to a TV Near You: ComArtSci Senior Interns for Fox 2 Detroit

If you dream of working in the field of sports journalism, an internship at a news station would set you far ahead of your competitors. Lucky for ComArtSci senior Brad Merlo, his position at Fox 2 Detroit will do just that.

This summer, Merlo is working as a sports department intern. His days consist of following high-profile reporters, interviewing major Detroit sports stars and sitting in on press conferences.

“So far this summer, I have attended and followed my station’s reporters at four different venues, including all four Detroit sports facilities,” said Merlo. “At each venue I was handed the Fox 2 microphone and given the opportunity to interview players, coaches and sit-in on coach press conferences.”

Merlo notes that his internship is about more than just gaining experience in the field of sports. It’s about making connections with the entire sports community and getting involved in Detroit’s sports culture.

“I really have enjoyed immersing myself in the Detroit sports community as well as interacting and networking with the other media members in town,” said Merlo. “I’ve realized that sports are special in this town. I am hopeful my internship will lead to future opportunities to report on sports in America's comeback city.”

Merlo also touched on the fact that his core journalism classes were particularly helpful in preparing him for this internship.

“JRN 300 and JRN 417 were helpful because I was required to write and shoot weekly multimedia stories,” said Merlo. “I really credit my JRN 417 radio and play-by-play course too, because I had the opportunity to be taught under Dan Dickerson, who is the radio announcer for the Detroit Tigers. That class was very rewarding.”

Aside from classes, Merlo believes ComArtSci’s Career Services played a positive role in his internship search. From resume help, to ComArtSci Connect, Merlo feels that he was ahead of the game when it came to applying for internships.

“ComArtSci helped prepare me in many ways because I used Career Services to improve my resume before sending my application out to several internship openings,” said Merlo. “I also attended the Career Fair in April which helped my confidence and experience because I met several recruiters. Career Services and Handshake provided me with a lot of services that helped improve my resume and cover letters.”

In terms of finding a great internship, Merlo suggests you talk to as many people as you can. By putting yourself out there, you’re much more likely to find new positions.

“Get your face in front of people as much as possible,” said Merlo. “The more people you talk to, the better you open yourself up for job opportunities and future internships. It is very important to get exposure and apply to a variety of internships.”

Relevant courses, resume help and networking should all be on your to-do list when it comes to looking for an internship. By combining these things, you’re sure to find a position that will give you a wide variety of experience in your chosen field.

By Katie Kochanny