Vernon Miller

Vernon Miller


  • Communication
(517) 355-3280
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Vernon Miller’s research focuses on the communicative aspects of the employment interview, organizational entry and socialization, and role negotiation as well as large-scale organizational change processes. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Management. His work has been published in the Journal of Applied Communication Research, Management Communication Quarterly, Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, Communication Education, Academy of Management Review, and Journal of Managerial Issues among others.

Dr. Miller served as an Associate Editor for Management Communication Quarterly from 2009-2019 and is the former chair of the Organizational Communication division of the National Communication Association.

He is the author of three books:

  • Miller, V. D., & Poole, M. S. (Eds). (under contract). Handbook of organizational communication theory and research. De Gruyter
  • Miller, V. D., & Gordon, M. E. (Eds) (2014). Meeting the Challenges of Human Resource Management: A Communication Perspective. New York: Routledge. Print ISBN: 9780415630214
  • Gordon, M. E., & Miller, V.D. (2012). Conversations about job performance: A communication perspective on the appraisal process. New York: Business Expert Press. Print ISBN: 9781606490747

Current Courseload:

  • COM 240 Introduction to Organizational Communication
  • COM 440 Organizational Communication Structure
  • COM 815 Organizational Communication
  • MGT 411 Organizational Staffing

Research and Teaching

organizational members’ information seeking, message exchanges related to role negotiation

Contact Information

404 Wilson Rd, Room
Communication Arts and Sciences Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824