2023 - 2024


Journal Articles


Battocchio, A.F., Yang, J., Dong, C., Bertellotti, E., Joo, E., & Teran., C., (2023). “Do Good and Be ‘Liked’”: CSR Messages on Social Media During COVID-19 Pandemic and Consumer Responses. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising.

Mesyn, T.J., (2023). Depicting [American] Defeat: Iconic Imagery and Collective Memory in the Digital Visual Comparisons of Saigon and Kabul. Digital Journalism: Visual War Journalism.

Lim, C., (2023). Beyond fatiguing virtual meetings: how should virtual meetings for workplaces be supported? International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Núñez, Mussa. E., (2023). Editorial Decision-Making on Images Through a Science Fiction Simulation. Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication. 13 (2) 42-45.

Zhan, E.S., Molina, D.M., Rheu, M., Peng, W., (2023). What is there to fear? Understanding multi-dimensional fear of AI from a technological affordance perspective. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Hu, JM., Zhan, ES., (2024). Algorithm awareness in online dating: associations with mate-searching difficulty and future expectancies among U.S. online daters. Behavior & Information Technology.

Zheng. Q., Dong, C., Y., Zhang, (2023). When relational transparency backfires: Examining the various impacts of authentic leadership on employee trust during the Covid-19 pandemic. Corporate Communications: an International Journal.

Marple. C., Jeffrey. A., Schnitker. S., (2024). Reappraisal as a means to self-transcendence: Aquinas’s model of emotion regulation informs the extended process model. Philosophical Psychology.

Hiaeshutter‑Rice, D., Madrigal, G., Ploger, G., Carr, S., Carbone, M., Battocchio, A.F., and Soroka, S., (accepted). Identity Driven Information Ecosystems. Communication Theory.

Núñez-Mussa, E., Riquelme, A., Valenzuela, S., Aldana, V., Padilla, F., Bassi, R., Campos, S., Providel, E. & Mendoza, M., (2024). The Threat of Misinformation on Journalism’s Epistemology: Exploring the Gap between Journalist’s and Audience’s Expectations when Facing Fake Content. Digital Journalism.

Lim, C., Ratan, R. Foxman, M., Meshi, D., Liu, H., Hales, G., Lei, Y., (2024). An Avatar's Worth: Valuation of avatar customization for the metaverse workplace is predicted by virtual meeting fatigue, gaming habits, and being a woman or person of color. Computers in Human Behavior.

Beyea, D., Lim, C., Lover, A., Foxman, M., Ratan, R., (under review 2024). Videoconferencing Fatigue: An Analysis of Antecedents and the ZEF Scale. Computers in Human Behavior.

Lim, C., (under review 2024). Virtual meeting engagement: Development and validation of virtual meeting engagement scale (VMES) for the workplace context.Computers in Human Behavior Reports.

Lim, C., Ratan, R., (under review 2024). Does facial dissatisfaction make people less engaged with virtual meetings? Exploring the mediating role of Zoom fatigue in the association between virtual meeting engagement and facial dissatisfaction in the US and South Korean context. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.

Lim, C., Ratan R., Pandita, S., Foxman, M., Hales, G., Liu, H., Lei, Y., Beyea, D., Lee, O., (under review 2024). Openness to the Metaverse Workplace: Zoom fatigue and metaverse information seeking mediate gender inequities. Internet Research.

Williams, M., Lewin, K. M., Meshi, D., (2024). Problematic use of five different social networking sites is associated with depressive symptoms and loneliness. Current Psychology.

Muturi, N., Issaka,B., (2024). Media Use and the Motivational Factors for Preventing Communicable Diseases among African Immigrants in the United States. Howard Journal of Communications. 35 (1) 33-35.

Issaka, B., Aidoo,E.A. K., Wood, S., Mohammed, F., (2024). “Anxiety is not cute” analysis of twitter users’ discourses on romanticizing mental illness. BMC Psychiatry. 24 (1).

Hales, G. E., & Hampton, K. N., (2024). Social Media Use and Gender Inequalities in Reading, Writing and Math: When Leisure is Learning. Journal of Communication.

Lembi, R. Neuls, G. ;et. al., (under review 2024). Towards energy justice and energy sovereignty: participatory co-design of off-grid systems in the Brazilian Amazon. Energy Research & Social Science.

Neuls, G.; Mourão, R..; Thorson, E., (under review 2024). Read, like, comment and share: How familiarity, importance, source credibility, and perception of truth influence people’s engagement with news headlines. Digital Journalism.

Li, H. & Zhang, N., (under major revision). Computer Vision Models for Image Analysis in Advertising Research. Journal of Advertising. 

Hautea, S., Besley, J., Choung, H., (2024). Communicating Trust and Trustworthiness Through Scientists’ Biographies: Benevolence Beliefs. Public Understanding of Science.

Tiffany, L.A., (under review 2024). The Journalism-Public Relations Role Continuum. Journalism.

Tiffany, L.A., & Besley, J.C., (under review 2024). Demand for Trustworthiness Information in the Context of COVID-19 and Genetically Engineered Food. Journal of Trust Research.

Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., Duan, R., Tiffany, L.A., & Takahashi, B., (under review 2024). How Conservation Organizations Visually Communicate about Wildlife Crime: A Content Analysis of Advertising Images. Environmental Communication.

Besley, J.C., Garlick, S., Fallon-Lambert, K., & Tiffany, L.A., (under review 2024). A Tale of Two Forests: Strategic Public Engagement Needs Leaders. Science Communication.

Ralf Schmälzle, Sue Lim, Juncheng Wu, Subhalakshmi Bezbaruah, Syed Ali Hussain, (accepted). Converging crowds and tied twins: Audience brain responses to the same movie are consistent across continents and enhanced among twins. Journal of Media Psychology.

Rodrigues, L., Takahashi, B., Tiffany, L.A., Menezes, S., & Valdéz-Ward, E., (accepted). Minoritized Scientists in the United States: An Identity Perspective on Science Communication. Science Communication.

Tiffany, L.A., & Besley, J.C., (under revision 2024). What Drives Positive Science Festival Evaluations. International Journal of Science Education, Part B.

Zhang, L., Lee, H., & Yin, X., (under review 2024). The star-fan relations in celebrities advocating social responsibility through Reality shows: A Case Study of Running Man China. Celebrity Studies.

Lee, H., & Alhabash, S., (under review 2024). The Role of Social Media Influencers in Public Diplomacy and Engagement with Foreign Publics. American Behavioral Scientist.

Lee, H., & Alhabash, S., (2024). Influencers & Digital Aggression: Defense mechanisms for sustainable business success and community health. Journal of Business Research.

Kononova, A., Huddleston, P., Moldagaliyeva, M., Lee, H., & Alhabash, S., (2024). Influence of Cultural Values and Hierarchical Social Norms on Buying Counterfeits Online: A 17-Country Study. Frontiers in Psychology.

Kim, M., Lee, H., Lim, J. & Knutson, B., (2024). Antecedents of Pop-Culture Tourists’ Behavior: From Social Influence Theory Perspective and Generational Cohort Moderation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.

Kim, M., Lee, H., Kim, S., & Choi, L., (2024). The role of attachment to K-celebrity from a destination marketing perspective. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality.

Antolini, M. C., Silva, M. P., Vos, T., (2024). Metajournalistic discourse in US coverage of Brazil: Journalistic roles and values related to threats to democracy. Journalism Studies.

Mourão, R. R.; Antolini, M. C.; Da Silva, M. P.; Vos, T.; Menezes, L. R., (under review 2024). News consumption, military interventionism, and support for anti-democratic movements. International Journal of Communication.

Da Silva, M. P., Mourão, R. R., Vos, T., Antolini, M. C., Neuls, G. S., Menezes, L. R., (2024). News characteristics, newsworthiness and sharing news during a violent authoritarian movement. Digital Journalism.

Antolini, M. C.; Thorson, K., (under review 2024). We had to rely on Instagram: Activist youth in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic. New Media & Society.

Holtz, B., Mitchell, K., Adams, R., Geier, C., & Wright, J., (2024). Enhancing comprehension of online informed consent: the impact of interactive elements and presentation formats. Ethics & Behavior.

Nelson, V.R., (2024). Navigating Regulatory Realities with Blockchain in Healthcare: Opportunities and Limitations for Telemedicine and Electronic Patient Health Records. Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science, and Technology.

Nelson, V. R., Argyris, Y.A., Monu, K., (under review 2024). The use of anti-vaccine rhetoric on social media to spread political propaganda during the 2020 election. New Media and Society.

Holtz, B., Nelson V. R., (under review 2024). Exploring Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. BMC Health Services Research.

Kanthawala, S., Holtz, B.E., Parrot, S., Martin, K., Nelson, V. R., (under review 2024). Mental health apps and college students: A users' privacy concerns perspective. Communication Reports.

Kim, H. M., Argyris, Y. A., Bock, G. W., Nelson, V. R., (2024). Why Do People Avoid Scientific Information During a Societal Crisis? Identifying Motivators for Information Avoidance and Roles of Semiotic User Interfaces. Management Information Systems Quarterly.

Nelson, V.R., Argyris, Y.A., Tan, P.N., (2024). Vaccine Rhetoric on Social Media and COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Rates: A Triangulation Using Self-Reported Vaccine Acceptance. Social Science and Medicine.

Dong, X., Nelson, V. R., Zhang, H., Argyris, Y. A., Mollaoglu, S., Jain, A., Qiao, X., Thekinen, J., Liu, H., (under review 2024). Does the transition to online meetings exacerbate or alleviate gender and racial inequities in student participation in project teams? Machine-learning-based analysis of online collaborative work during the pandemic. IJHCI.

Terhune, J., (2024). 12 tips for conducting an organizational communication assessment within medical education. Med Ed Publish.




Conference Papers


Hales, G. E., & Hampton, K. N., (2023). Misattributing the Social in Media: The Mediating Role of Digital Skills Between Media and Achievement. ASA.

Terhune, Julia; Wendling, Andrea; Philips, Julie, Ewards-Johnson, Jennifer, (2023). Analysis of a Community-Based Live Poverty Simulation: Building Empathy and Advocacy for the Underserved in Medical Education. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference.

Battocchio, A.F. & Hardy, J., (2023). Considering Community Assets and Deficits in Rural Broadband Work. Michigan Broadband Summit.

Hampton, K., Hales, G. E., & Bauer, J. M., (2023). Broadband and Student Performance Gaps After the COVID-19 Pandemic. Michigan Broadband Summit.

Zhang, N. & Li, H., (2023). Machine Learning for Analysis of Images in Brand Posts on Social Media. Minnesota Computational Advertising Research Thought Leadership Forum.

McClintock, D., Owen C., (2024). Analyzing Differences in Student Engagement Between a Single Narrative Game Intervention and Multiple Narrative Games Intervention in an Undergraduate Computer Organization and Architecture Course. SIGCSE TS.

Aparicio, C., Aladé, F., Eddie, A., Hahn, R., (2024). Children’s self-perception of ethnic-racial identity (ERI) and identification of ERI in anthropomorphic characters. CDS.

Aladé, F., Mesyn, T.J., Aparicio, C., Lemley B., (2024). Mistakes Required: A Two-Wave Phenomenological Case Study on Creating Authentically Inclusive STEM TV for Preschoolers. ICA.

Lemley, B., Aladé, F., Mesyn, T.J., Eddie, A., Aparicio, C., (2024). Exploring Parents’ Perceptions of Computational Thinking and its Role in Children’s TV. ICA.

Mesyn, T.J., (2023). (Literally) Show Me What You’re Working With: Investigating U.S. History Teachers’ Media Materials. NCSS | CUFA 2023 (National Council for the Social Studies | College and University Faculty Assembly).

Aladé, F., Lemley, B., Mesyn, T.J., Aparicio, C., (accepted). Can Children’s Educational Television Meet the Call for Culturally Responsive Pedagogy? A Dyadic Interview Study. AERA.

Delle, F.A., (2024). Seeking Entertainment Media to Cope with Loss: an Exploratory Online Survey Experiment.

Lim, C., Ratan, R. Foxman, M., Meshi, D., Liu, H., Hales, G., Lei, Y., (2024). An Avatar's Worth: Valuation of avatar customization for the metaverse workplace is predicted by virtual meeting fatigue, gaming habits, and being a woman or person of color. ICA.

Lim, C., Foxman, M., Ratan, R., Beyea, D., Jeong, D., Leith, A., (2024). Touch-Up My Zoom Fatigue: Positive attitudes about online meeting platforms are negatively associated with virtual meeting fatigue and positively associated with using impression management features. ICA.

Lim, C., (2024). Virtual meeting engagement: Development and validation of virtual meeting engagement scale (VMES) to understand technology-mediated meetings. ICA.

Beyea, B., Lim, C., Lover, A., Foxman, M., Ratan, R., Leith, A., (2024). Zoom Fatigue? A Meta-Analytical Examination of Research on the Antecedents of Videoconferencing Fatigue. ICA.

Foxman, M., Bouzek D., Lim, C., Leith, A., (2024). Playing from Home: Identity, Cohesion, and Communication for Remote Game Makers. ICA.

Ratan, R., Earle, K., Lei, Y., Hales, G. E., Jang, D., Kim, T., Lim, C., (2024). Technologies are Utilitarian, Humanlike, and/or Avatar-like: From CASA to TUHA, tested in e-scooter perceptions. ICA.

Hales, G. E., & Hampton, K. N., (2024). Social Media Use and Gender Inequalities in Reading, Writing and Math: When Leisure is Learning. ICA.

P.K. Senyo & Tim P. Vos, (2024). Conceptualizing Journalism Culture in the Context of Doorkeeping Normative Framework. ICA.

P.K. Senyo, (2024). A Hierarchy of Influences or a Dialogue of Discourses? A dialogic imagination of a Hierarchy of Discourses in African Liberal Democracies. ICA.

Kang, T., Battocchio, A.F., Thorson, K., Dong, C. & Sharma, P., (2024). Trade-Offs in a Bigger Pie: How the relationships between digital civic infrastructure and political participation vary across rural and urban communities in the U.S.—the case of Michigan. ICA.

Zhang, X., & Zheng, Q., (2024). "Online for You, Offline for Us:” Understanding Political Implications of Transregional News Repertoires During the US-China Tensions. ICA.

Dong, D., Zheng, Q., & Morehouse, J., (2024). Cultivating Empathetic Government Communicators: A Gender-Informed Multi-Level Framework. IPRRC.

Zheng, Q. & Zhang, H-X., (2024). Should Campus Police Adopt Moral-Founded Strategies to Foster Public Engagement? A Computer-assisted Approach. IPRRC.

Kim, T., Peng, W., (2024). Do We Want AI Judges?: The Acceptance of AI Judges' Judicial Decision-Making on Moral Foundations. ICA.

Kim, T., Rhodes, N., (2024). Influence of Implicit Theories of Artificial Intelligence on Immoral Human Behavior. ICA.

Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Moldagaliyeva, M., Lee, H., Kononova, A. (accepted). What Motivates Consumers to Buy Counterfeits Online: A 17-Country Study. American Advertising Association.

Lee, H., Alhabash, S., (2024). Social Media Influencer Tourism Marketing as a Public Diplomacy Effort: The Effect of Influencer’s National Identity. ICA.

Moldagaliyeva, M., Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Kononova, A., Lee, H., Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Study Counterfeit Consumers in the Digital Age: A 17-Country Study. Academy of Marketing Science.

Moldagaliyeva, M., Kononova, A., Anafina, D., (2024). A cultural dimensions perspective to studying digital divide: A qualitative study of smartphone use among Central Asian older adults. ICA.

Kononova, A., Huddleston, P., Moldagaliyeva, M., Lee, H., Alhabash, S., Buying fakes: Country’s cultural orientation shapes the relationship between consumers’ perceived social norms and counterfeit purchase behavior. ICORIA.

Kononova, A., Moldagaliyeva, M., Anafina, D., Lee, H., Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Tran, P., Baker, L., (2024). (You Should) Say No to Fakes! Analysis of Public Service Anti-Counterfeit Campaigns to Build Theory-Informed Consumer Protection Strategies. AEJMC.

Kononova, A., Huddleston, P., Moldagaliyeva, M., Lee, H., Alhabash, S., (2024). Profiling consumers of substandard and falsified medications purchased on social media and e-retail platforms: a 17-country survey. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication.

Lee, H., Moldagaliyeva, M., Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Kononova, A., (2024). Deliberate or duped? Understanding global consumer risky counterfeit purchase behavior through the lens of protection motivation theory. AEJMC.

Zhan, ES., Hu, JM., Song, H., Ewoldsen, D., (2024). Seeing Both Sides of The Moon: Making Sense of Online Disinhibition and Inhibition Through Motivation Lens. ICA.

Liu, H., Lei, S. Y., Ewoldsen, D., (2024). Understanding “Likes” as “Resources” on Social Media Using Zero-Sum Game Paradigm: The Catalyst Effect of Perceived Value of ‘Likes’ and Zero-Sum Beliefs on Social Media Ostracism Experience. ICA.

Marple, C., Krcmar, M., (2024). Operationalizing Character Motivation: A Typology of Character Beliefs and Perceptions in Narrative Content that Indicate Character Motives. ICA.

Bezbaruah, S., Alhabash, S., Moved by cute ads? Effect of Kindchenschema and Whimsical cute elements on consumers’ kama muta and persuasive outcomes: A study of the U.S. and India. ICA.

Brahmbhatt, K & Bezbaruah, S., Exploring the Sharenting Paradox: Individuals’ Behavioral Reasons for and against Child-Related Online Sharing. Academy of Marketing Science.

Bezbaruah, S., (2024). Are you de-influenced? Exploring the subtleties of audiences responses to deinfluencing content on TikTok. Netnocon

A. Taylor, T. Tanjim, H. J. Cao, H. R. Lee, (2024). Towards collaborative crash cart robots that support clinical teamwork. HRI.

P. Malvi, H.J. Cao, H.R. Lee, (under review 2024). “Having a place to start from”: Librarians as Facilitators for Digital Literacy. ASIS&T.

R. H. Liu, H. J. Cao, S. Jung, N. Ta, J. Shi, C. Lin, (2024). Speaking overshines looking: Effects of Smart Home Assistants’ Interaction style and Embodiment on User Perception. ICA.

Ling, T.-W., Tao, C.C, & Lee, K., (2024). Decoding AI-human collaborated news: The illusion of credibility. ICA.

Liu, H., Ewoldsen, D., (2024). Implicitly Inhibit the Negative Selfs When I Browsed My Past Posts: Implicit and Explicit Self Evaluation Process on Social Media. ICA.

P.K. Senyo, (2024). What is the resonance of objectivity in African liberal democracies? ICA.

Y. Jang, T. Kim, H. Park, H. Kwon, K. Kim, (2024). Your Avatar Seems Hesitant to Share About Yourself: How People Perceive Others' Avatars in the Transparent System. CHI.

Terhune, Julia, (accepted). There’s a Doctor in the Family: Using Relational Dialectics Theory to Understand the Vocational Decision of Medical Students with Parents in Medicine. Rural Sociology Society.

Zhan, ES., (2024). I don’t feel safe talking to AI: Probing User Well-being with a New Human-AI Interaction (HAII) Research Paradigm. CHI Workshop.

Núñez, Mussa. E., (2024). Video essays as tools for reflection and the development of an authorial voice on socially relevant topics. AEJMC.

Jang, D., (2024). Is My Avatar My Virtual Body?: Exploratory Research on the Relationship between Sexual Harassment Type, Emotional Impact, and Player-Avatar Relationship. ICA.

Lin, Q., Lim, C., Lover, A., Han, E., Park, R., Jang, D., Yi, A., Schultz. Z., Rabindra, R., (2024). Optimizing Learning in the Metaverse: Class Duration in VR Compared to Zoom on Student Learning Experiences. AERA.

Issaka,B., Young, A., Tan, P.N., (2024). Conversational Agents as an Aid for Cancer Survivors’ Information Search. HICSS.

Peng,W., Meng,J., Issaka, B., (2024). Navigating Persuasive Strategies in Online Health Misinformation: An Interview Study with Older Adults. ICA.

Issaka, B., Aidoo, E.A.K., Wood,S., Mohammed, F., (2024). “Anxiety is not cute” analysis of twitter users’ discourses on romanticizing mental illness. Social Media and Society Conference.

Issaka, B., (2024). Beyond the Veil, a Need for Minority Voices: Identity (Mis)Representations of Muslim Women in US Media and Muslim Women’s Coping Strategies of Mitigation. AEJMC.

Issaka, B., Alhabash, S., (2024). Post-Partum Depression: Information-Seeking Behaviors Among New Mothers through Offline and Online Channels. ICA.

Averkiadi, E., Van Osch, W., (2023). Features of Persuasive AI in the Workplace. HCII - Late Breaking Posters.

Averkiadi, E., Kunaish, L., Ewoldsen, D., Rhodes, N., (2024). Hook, Line, and Sinker: A Focus Group Study on User Perceptions of Persuasive AI. NCA.

Neuls, G., (2024). Brazilian Indigenous Women discourse on Instagram: a nexus of land, nature and survival. ICA.

Antolini, M., Neuls, G., Silva, Mourão, R., M. P. Da, (2024). Influencers as political news providers – Understanding patterns of information consumption during elections in Brazil. ICA.

Marple, C. A., (2024). Redefining Character Motivation and the Content that Embodies It: Insights from Story Creators. Moral Media Conference (Poster Presentation). Moral Media Conference.

Marple, C.A., Kunaish, L., Lei, Y.S., Averkiadi, E., Kim, T., Ross, J., Rhodes, N., (2024). The Effect of Storyworld Descriptive and Injunctive Norms about an Antihero's Behavior on Moral Judgment. Moral Media Conference.

Pettengill, J., (2024). Bridging feminist and quantitative concepts in film content analysis: Reimagining sexual objectification, agency, and reciprocation. AEJMC.

Pettengill, J., (2024). "I remember, I saw, I knew": Journalists' use of first-person storytelling in award-winning podcasts. AEJMC.

Muhammad, H., (2024). "Unquestioning Executors:" Journalistic Culture Change Under Government Influences. AEJMC.

Hales, G. E., (2024). [Presentation] Social Media, Video Games, and Adolescent Well-Being and Achievement. Breakout Session Presentation; Michigan State University Fatherhood Forum.

Kang, T., (2024). Empowered by Curation: Addressing Spatial Polarization of Political Trust through Social Media Political Personalization Acts. AEJMC.

Kang, T., Thorson, E., & Mourão, R., (2024). Curated Verification: Partisan Differences in Audiences’ Information Validation Strategies. AEJMC.

Kang, T., Battocchio, A.F., Dong, C. & Thorson, K., (2024). The Multidimensionality of being “Rural”: Geography, Media Use, and Mental Health. AEJMC.

Vos, T., Kang, T., Thorson, E., Mourão, R, & Antolini, M., (2024). Place Matters: Variations in U.S. Journalism Culture. AEJMC.

Takahashi, B., Amiden dos Santos, I., & Salas, F. M., (2024). Building bridges: A narrative literature review of Spanish and Portuguese language climate change communication scholarship from Latin America. AEJMC.

Takahashi, B., Amiden dos Santos, I., (2024). Environmental discourses in Latin American media: A theoretical model grounded in mediaciones and decolonial and counter-hegemonic propositions. AEJMC.

Battocchio, A.F., Stover, B., Hardy, J. & Thorson, K., (2024). Remoteness and Rural News: A Computational-Ethnographic Approach to Local News on Facebook in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. AEJMC.

Peng, Z., Zhan, E. S., Liang, Z., (2024). A Systematic Review of Current Research on the Privacy Calculus Model. AEJMC.

Zhan, E. S., Zheng, Q., Dong, C., Thorson, E., (2024). Does AI-Generated Caring Message Increase Trust in Government? The Pivotal Role of AI Knowledge in Government Crisis Responses. AEJMC.

Zheng, Q., Zhan, E. S., Dong, C., Thorson, E., (2024). Can AI Chatbots Support Me? Exploring the Roles of Governmental Agent Type and (Non)Verbal Person-centered Communication Strategies During Natural Disasters. AEJMC.


Núñez-Mussa, E., (2024). Field collision: Advancing field theory by analyzing the power struggle between journalism and social media platforms. AEJMC.

Antolini, M. C., (2024). Making sense of a senseless world: how girls from low-income neighborhoods with high violence rates use media and understand their own rights. ICA.

Terhune, Julia, (2024). There’s a Doctor in the Family: Using Relational Dialectics Theory to Understand the Vocational Decision of Medical Students with Parents in Medicine. Rural Sociology Society.


                                                                         Book Chapters

Jang, D. & Jordan, S., (in press). Implants & Injections: Integrations with the Organic. Agent, Assembled: The Relational and Technical Anatomy of Social Robots.

Lei, Y.S., Liu, H., Ewoldsen, D., (2024). Cooperative and competitive play. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.

Rodrigues, Leilane, (2024). Rethinking Objectivity and Embracing Intersectional Identities in the Journalism Classroom. Instructing Intersectionality: Critical and Practical Strategies for the Mass Communication Classroom, 'part of the AEJMC Master Class Series: Resources for Teaching Mass Communication.

Takahashi, B., Amiden dos Santos, I., Salas, F. M., & Gil Posse, C., (2024). Climate change communication research: A Latin American perspective. The Handbook of Climate Crisis Communication.



2022 - 2023


Journal Articles



Lewin, K. M., Meshi, D., Aladé, F., Lescht, E., Herring, C., Hampton Wray, A., (2023). Children's screen time is associated with reduced brain activation during an inhibitory control task: A pilot EEG study. Frontiers in Cognition. 2

Lewin, K. M., Kaur, A., Meshi, D., (2023). Problematic social media use and impulsivity. Current Addictions Report

Battocchio, A. F., Thorson, K., Hiaeshutter‑Rice, D., Smith, M., Chen, Y., Edgerly, S., Cotter, K., Choung, H., Dong, C., Moldagaliyeva, M., and Etheridge, C., (2023 summer). Who will tell the stories of public health inequities?Platform challenges (and opportunities) in local civic information infrastructure. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences

Katz, S. J., Petersen, A., Liu, H., Cohen, E., & Hatsukami, D., (2022). Vaping Flavors and Flavor Representation: A Test of Youth Risk Perceptions, Novelty Perceptions, and Susceptibility. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 25 (3), 590-595.

Kang, J., Kim, J., Kim, T., Song, H., & Han, J., (2022). Experiencing Stress During COVID-19: A Computational Analysis of Stressors and Emotional Responses to Stress. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 25 (9), 561-570.

Kim, T., & Song, H., (2023). “I Believe AI Can Learn from the Error. Or Can It Not?”: The Effects of Implicit Theories on Trust Repair of the Intelligent Agent. International Journal of Social Robotics. 15 (1), 115-128.

Kim, T., & Song, H., (2023). Communicating the limitations of AI: The effect of message framing and ownership on trust in artificial intelligence. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. 39 (4) 790-800.

Shin, S., (2022). New media image: A typology of audience perspectives. Journalism & Communication Monographs. 24 (2), 80-140.

Shin, S., & Miller, S., (2022). A participant observation method guide for ethnographers based on an examination of journalism newsroom scholarship. Review of Communication Research. 10, 114-145

Shin, S. Y. & Watson, B., (2022). Trial by media?: Media use, fear of crime, and attitudes toward police. Journalism Practice. 1-22.

Takahashi, B. & Zhang, Q., (2023). Place in Disaster Coverage: Newspaper Coverage of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Journalism Practice. 1-19.

Mourão,R., Neuls,G., & Ninni, K., (2022). Hydropower in the News: how Journalists do (not) Cover the Environmental and Socioeconomic Costs of Dams in Brazil. Environmental Communication. 16 (6), 822-835.

Alhabash, S., Dong, Y., Moureaud, C., Muraro, I. S., Hertig, J., (2022). Effects of Fear and Humor Appeals in Public Service Announcements (PSAs) on Intentions to Purchase Prescription Medications via Social Media. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (19), 12340

Ellithorpe, M. E., Aladé, F., Adams, R. B., & Nowak, G. J., (2022). Looking ahead: caregivers’ COVID-19 vaccination intention for children 5 years old and younger using the health belief model. Vaccine. 40 (10), 1404-1412.

Ellithorpe, M. E., Adams, R., & Aladé, F., (2022). Parents’ behaviors and experiences associated with four vaccination behavior groups for childhood vaccine hesitancy. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 1-9

Huskey, R., Keene, J. R., Wilcox, S., Gong, X., Adams, R., & Najera, C. J., (2022). Flexible and modular brain network dynamics characterize flow experiences during media use: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of Communication. 72 (1), 6-32.

Adams, R. B., Aladé, F., & Ellithorpe, M. E., (2022). A Qualitative Content Analysis of Caregiver Reports of Conversations with Their Children about Vaccinations. Journal of Health Communication. 27 (9), 664-671

Zheng, Q., (2023). Restoring trust through transparency: Examining the effects of transparency strategies on police crisis communication in Mainland China. Public Relations Review. 49, 102296.

Dong, C., Zheng, Q, Morehouse, J., (2023). What do we know about Government Public Relations (GPR)? A review of GPR in Public Relations literature. Public Relations Review. 49, 102284.

Dong. C., Song, B., Cheng, Y., Zheng, Q., (2023). Tracking CSR communication research within the Chinese context: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Business Communication. 

Jang, D., & Lee, B., (2022). When Machine Learning Meets Social Science: A Comparative Study of Ordinary Least Square, Stochastic Gradient Descent, and Support Vector Regression for Exploring the Determinants of Behavioral Intentions to Tuberculosis Screening. Asian Communication Research. 19 (3), 101-118.

Mitchell, K. & Knittel, M., (2023). Navigating the Role of LGBTQ+ Identity in Self-Disclosure and Strategies Used for Uncertainty Reduction in Online Dating. Journal of Sex Research. 60 (5), 645-655.

Holtz, B. & Mitchell, K., (2023). Supporting Parents of Children With Type 1 Diabetes: Experiment: Comparing Message and Delivery Types. JMIR Formative Research. 7 (1), E41193.

Mendoza, M., Valenzuela, S., Núñez-Mussa, E., Padilla, F., Providel, E., Campos, S., Bassi, R., Riquelme, A., Aldana, V., & López, C., (2023). A Study on Information Disorders on Social Networks during the Chilean Social Outbreak and COVID-19 Pandemic. Applied Sciences. 13 (9), 5347.

Bezbaruah, S., & Brahmbhatt, K., (2023). Are Podcast Advertisements Effective? An Emerging Economy Perspective. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 35 (2), 215-233.

Bezbaruah, S., Dhir, A., Talwar, S., Tan, T.M.., Kaur, P., (2022). Believing and acting on fake news related to natural food: the influential role of brand trust and system trust. British Food Journal. 124 (9), 2937-2962.

Rodrigues, L., (2023). Paper bridges: a case study on street papers, unhoused people, and technology use. Mobile Media and Communication. 

Rodrigues, L., Takahashi, B., Waldez, E., Tiffany, L. & Menezes, S., (2023). Minoritized Scientists in the United States: An Identity Perspective to Science Communication. Science Communication.

Alhabash, S., Issaka, B., White, L., Smith, SW., (2023). Does ‘What Happens on Social Media Stay on Social Media’? A Hierarchical Social Norms Analysis of the Relationship between Alcohol Posting Privacy and Celebration Drinking: Two Studies. Journal of Health Communication.

Muturi, N. & Issaka, B., (2023). Media Use and the Motivational factors for Preventing Communicable Diseases among African Immigrants. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.

Zhang, N & Li, H., (2023). Visual Aesthetics of Brand Posts and Instagram User Engagement: A Computational Approach. Journal of Interactive Advertising.

Prado, T. S., & Bauer, J. M., (2022). Big Tech Start-up Acquisitions and Venture Capital Funding for Innovation. Information Economics and Policy. 59, 100793.

Besley, J.C, & Tiffany, L.A., (2023). What are you assessing when you measure "trust" with a direct measure? Public Understanding of Science.

Tiffany, L.A., & Besley, J.C., (under review). What drives positive science festival evaluations. Public Understanding of Science.

Tiffany, L.A., (under review). The Journalism-Public Relations Role Continuum. Journalism. 

Besley, J.C., & Tiffany, L.A., (under review). Demand for Trustworthiness Information in the Context of COVID-19 and Genetically Engineered Food. Journalism & Mass Media Quarterly. 

Besley, J.C., Garlick, S., Fallon-Lambert, K., & Tiffany, L.A., (under review). A Tale of Two Forests: Strategic Public Engagement Needs Leaders. Science Communication.

Holtz, B., Mitchell, K., Holmstrom, A., Hershey, D.,  Cotten, S., Dunneback,  Ellis, D., & Wood, M., (2022). The effect of a Health intervention for adolescents with T1D and their parents: A randomized trial. Telemedicine and Telecare.

Reid, M., Mitchell, S. D., Mitchell, K. M., & Sidiropoulos, C., (2022). Efficacy of a 5-day, intensive, multidisciplinary, outpatient physical and occupational therapy protocol in the treatment of functional movement disorders: A retrospective study. Journal of Neurological Sciences. 443.

Holtz, B., & Mitchell, K., (2023). Supporting Parents of Children With Type 1 Diabetes: Experiment Comparing Message and Delivery Types. JMIR Formative Research.

Mitchell, K. M. & Knittel, M., (2023). Navigating the Role of LGBTQ+ Identity in Self-Disclosure and Strategies Used for Uncertainty Reduction in Online Dating. The Journal of Sex Research. 60 (5), 645-655.

Mitchell, K. M., Ratan, R., Maas, M. K., Holt, K., Slaker, J. S., & Gambino, A., (under review). Virtual Reality vs. Flatscreen Pornography: Correlations and effects on relationship satisfaction, rape-myth acceptance, and problematic use. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality. 

Holtz, B. E., Mitchell, K. M., Hirko, K. & Strand, D., (under review). Cancer Support during the Pandemic: Perceptions of Telehealth-based Cancer Support Groups at a Rural Community Oncology Program. Supportive Care in Cancer.

Holtz, B. E., & Mitchell, K. M., (under review). Developing health information communication technology as a researcher: Lessons learned. Healthcare.

Kim, H. M., Argyris, Y. A., Bock, G. W., Nelson, V. R., (under review). Why Do People Avoid Scientific Information During a Societal Crisis? Identifying Motivators for Information Avoidance and Roles of Semiotic User Interfaces. Management Information Systems Quarterly. 

Dong, X., Nelson, V. R., Zhang, H., Argyris, Y. A., Mollaoglu, S., Jain, A., Qiao, X., Thekinen, J., Liu, H., (under review). Does the transition to online meetings exacerbate or alleviate gender and racial inequities in student participation in project teams? Machine-learning-based analysis of online collaborative work during the pandemic.International Journal of Human Computer Interaction.

Argyris, Y.A., Tan, P.N., Nelson, V. R., (under review). Tracking the vaccine discourse on social media and its relationships to Covid-19 vaccine uptake rates: An observation from October 2021 to September 2022. American Journal of Public Health. 

Holtz, B.E., Kanthawala, S., Parrot, S., Martin, K., Nelson, V. R., (under review). Young adults' adoption and use of mental health apps: Efficient, effective, but no replacement for in-person care. The Journal of American College Health.

Kanthawala, S., Holtz, B.E., Parrot, S., Martin, K., Nelson, V. R., (under review). Mental health apps and college students: A users' privacy concerns perspective. Journal of Health Communication. 

Argyris, Y. A., Nelson, V. R., Wiseley, K., Shen, R., & Roscizewski, A., (2022). Do Social Media Campaigns Foster Vaccine Adherence? A Systematic Review of Prior Intervention-Based Campaigns on Social Media. Telematics and Informatics. 76, 101918.

Holtz, B., Nelson, V.R., & Poropatich, R. K., (2022). Artificial Intelligence in Health: Enhancing a Return to Patient-Centered Communication. Telemedicine and E-Health. 29 (6), 795-797

Hautea, S., Besley, J., Choung, H., (under review). Communicating Trust and Trustworthiness Through Scientists’ Biographies: Benevolence Beliefs. Public Understanding of Science.

Thorson, K. & Battocchio, A.F., (forthcoming). “I use social media as an escape from all that” Personal platform architecture and the labor of avoiding news. Digital Journalism.

Schmaelzle, R., Liu, H., Delle, F. A. , Lewin, K. M., Jahn, N. T., Zhang, Y., Yoon, H., & Long, J., (2023). Moment-by-moment tracking of brain responses to an engaging story: Replicating the reverse message engineering approach. Communication Monographs. 

Senyo, P.K., (2023). NEW DUALISM: Rethinking the Ontology of Media Systems in African liberal democracies. International Journal of Communication.

Senyo, P.K., (2023). Revisiting Hybrid Media Sytems in the Context of African Liberal Democracies: Whose discursive power?. International Communication Gazette.

S Edgerly, YY Chen, K Thorson, T. Kang, (2023). Everyone Has an Opinion and there are No Rules: How US Journalists Articulate the Impact of Social Media on Journalism. Journalism Studies. 1-19

Oh, H. J., Lee, B., Ma, H. H., Jang, D., & Park, S., (2024). A preliminary study for developing a perceived ESG scale to measure public perception toward organizations’ ESG performance. Public Relations Review. 50 (1), 102398.




Conference Papers


Eddie, Anissa; Aladé, Fashina; Lemley, Breniel; Mesyn, T.J., (2023). Examining the perception of ethnic-racial identity among 4-to-6-year olds to inform ethnic-racial socialization practices. SRCD.

Lemley, Breniel; Aladé, Fashina; Mesyn, T.J.; Eddie, Anissa, (2023). Exploring Black and Latin Parents’ Perceptions of Computational Thinking and its Role in Children’s TV. SRCD.

Mesyn, T.J.; Aladé, Fashina; Lemley, Breniel, (2023). “Shaking things up” / “Fear of F***ing Up”: Creating Culturally Inclusive Preschool STEM Television. ICA.

Zheng, Q., Xu, D., Duan, Q-T., (2023). Act Real After a Data Breach: An Exploratory Investigation of the Role of Authenticity in Chinese Crisis Management. ICA (PRD).

Dong, C., Harrison, V., Zheng, Q., Vandenberg., M., (2023). When controversy meets controversy, what do you see? Understanding the visual communication of cannabis companies’ corporate social advocacy on Instagram. ICA (PRD).

Zheng, Q., Dong, C., (2023). When relational transparency backfires: Examining the various impacts of authentic leadership on employee trust during the Covid-19 pandemic. NCA.

Zheng, Q., Dong, C., Alade, F., (2023). Debunking misinformation to facilitate caregivers’ COVID-19 vaccine intentions: Integrating message concreteness and corrective information source. AEJMC.

Hiaeshutter‑Rice, D., Madrigal, G., Ploger, G., Carr, S., Carbone, M., Battocchio, A.F., and Soroka, S., (2023). Identity Driven Information Ecosystems: TikTok, Truckstops, and Barbershops. ICA.

Schmaelzle, R., Ye, Q., Zhang, Y., Yoon, H., Liu, H., Delle, F., Lewin, K., Jahn, N., Long, J., (2022). Moment-by-moment tracking of brain responses to an engaging story: A replication study using forward and reverse correlation to study narrative reception. NCA.

Ratan, R., Liu, H., Hales, G., Lim, C., Foxman, M., Lei, Y., Lee, O., Meshi, D., (2022). The Metaverse Spend: Game purchasers perceive more virtual value. NCA.

Liu, H., Katz, S. J., (2023). Nostalgic Doom-Scrolling: Traversing Psychological Distance and Adjusting Mood Through Sad News Stories from Home. ICA.

Lei, Y., Liu, H., Ewoldsen, D. R., Rhodes, N., (2023). Can Cooperative Gameplay Compensate for Ostracism? Exploring Roles of Collective Self-esteem, Belongingness, and Reciprocity Expectation. ICA.

Lim, C., Lei, Y., Hales, G. E., Liu, H., Rabindra, R., (2023). From Agent to Avatar: Behavioral influence through the controllable-agent paradigm. ICA.

Kim, T., Molina, M. D., Rheu, M., Zhan, E. S., Peng, W., (2023). One AI Does Not Fit All: A Cluster Analysis of the Laypeople’s Perception of AI Roles. CHI (The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems)

Kim, T., Lee, C., Wu, Y. Jang, J., Kwon, H., Park, H., Song, H., Lee, K. M., Lee. J., Park, N., (2023). "Can Virtual Influencers’ Apology be Authentic?": The Different Perceptions of Moral Violation and Apology by Virtual and Human Influencers in the Brand Endorsement. ICA.

Leith, A., Foxman, M., Ratan, R., Lim, C., (2023). Feelings for Meetings: A sentiment analysis of videoconferencing platforms a year apart. ICA.

Foxman, M., Leith A., Ratan, R., Bouzek, D., Lim, C., Beyea, D., (2023). Playfully Virtual: Finding Authentic Communication in Videoconferencing and Online Meetings. ICA.

Lin, Q., Ratan, R., Lover, A., Lim, C., Jang, D., Schultz, Z., An, Y., (2023). Is Teaching in Virtual Reality Superior to Video Conferencing? Examining the role of social presence. ICA.

Kang, T., Thorson, K., Pak, C., (2023). “Is it authentic?”: The role of overconfidence in the relationship between social media news use and institutional media use. ICA.

Edgerly, S., Chen, Y., Thorson, K., Kang, T., (2023). Elaborated negativity: How U.S. journalists assess the impact of social media. ICA.

Kang, T., (2023). Users as Naïve Scientists: Decoding the Networked Authenticity of Political Information. AEJMC.

Kim, M., Lee, H., Choi, L., Kim S., (2022). Exploring the Effect of K-celebrity Attachment on Consumers’ Perceptions and Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Generation from a Parasocial Relationship Theory. ICAMA.

Kim, M., Lee, H., Lim, J., Shim Y., (2022). Impact of Celebrity Attachment on Consumers’ Perceptions and Behaviors: From Destination Marketing Perspective. ICAMA

Lee, H., Alhabash, S., (2023). Defense Mechanism of Social Media Influencers Experiencing Digital Aggression. MPA.

Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Kononova, A., Moldagaliyeva, M., Lee, H., Kammel, K., (2023). Using Psychological Factors to Identify Global Counterfeit Supranational Segments. MPA.

Lee, H., (2023). Social media influencers' strategic communication for nation branding. ICA.

Kim, M., Lee, H., Choi, L., Lim, J., (2023). Why does K-culture matter?: From Cultural Capital Perspective. ICHRIE.

Mendoza, M., Núñez-Mussa, E.,Valenzuela, S., Padilla,F., Riquelme, A., (2022). National study about misinformation in social media and its effect in the news media's pluralism and agenda. XLI - International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC.

Núñez-Mussa, E., Fernández, F. J., Campillo, G., Bonilla, C., (2022). Learning from the distance: teaching international journalism during the pandemic lockout. INCOM (Congress of the Chilean Association of Communication Researchers).

Núñez-Mussa, E., (2023). Journalism and the immediate causal explanation of unpredictable events. ICA - Journalism Studies Colloquium.

Núñez-Mussa, E., (2023). Metajournalistic discourse in columns and editorials about the Nobel Peace Prize of 2021. AEJMC - Southeast Colloquium.

Núñez-Mussa, E., (2023). The illusion paradox: Metajournalistic discourse in columns and editorials about the Nobel Peace Prize of 2021. AEJMC.

Núñez-Mussa, E., (2023). Best Practices in Teaching Poster Session: Editors of collective memory. AEJMC.

Molina, D.M., Zhan, E. S., Agnihotri, D., Abdullah, S., Deka, P., (2023). Encouraging Intrinsic Motivation to Use Fitness Application Among Hispanic Adults: The Pivotal Role of Interactivity and Relatedness. CHI (The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems).

Zhan, E.S., Molina, D.M., Rhue, M., Peng, W., (2023). What is there to fear? Understanding fear of AI from the technological affordance framework. ICA.

Hiaeshutter‑Rice, D., Hawkins, I., Zhan E.S., (2023). Outside Source and Linking Behavior on Reddit. APSA.

Prosper K. Senyo, (2023). Doorkeepers in Ghana's social system: Conceptualizing the Normative Framework of an African Liberal Democracy. ICA.

Vos, T.P. Lunga, C. Senyo, P.K., (2023). Renegotiating the press-police relationship in four liberal democracies. Future of Journalism.

Prosper K. Senyo & Tim, P. Vos, (2023). Conflict Frames in Ghana and the USA: Towards a Theory of Media Frame Building in Liberal African Democracies. AEJMC.

Moldagaliyeva, M., Issaka, B., Kononova, A., Li, L., Sukhanovskaya, V., “Alexa helps me out during the day”: How older adults with Cognitive Deficits Navigate ICT use in the (Post)Pandemic World. DCHC.

Kononova, A., Issaka, B., Moldagaliyeva,M., Li, L., Sukhanovskaya, V., Sun, F., Cotten, S., Bender, A., (2023). I, Structure, and Dasein: Qualitative Exploration of Adults’ Experiences with Digital Information and Communication Technologies in the Context of Aging. AEJMC.

Leith, A., Foxman, M., Onuche, M., Ratan, R., Lim, C., (2023). Mixed Feelings and Realities: Joyful to Nauseating Sentiments about VR on Twitter. DiGRA

Neuls,G., (2023). Brazilian Indigenous Environmental Journalism perspectives. ICA.

Xian, He, Kunaish, L., Ewoldsen, D., (2023). Meritocracy and Media Narratives: Exploring the Role of Retrospective Imaginative Involvement. NCA - Social Cognition.

McClintock, D., (2022). All together now, using multiple frameworks to inform serious game design and development. International Conference on Meaningful Play.

Oh, H., Park, H., Ma, B., Lee, B., Jang, D., (2023). A Preliminary Study for Developing Perceived ESG Scale to Measure Public Perception Toward Organizations’ ESG Performance. ICA.

Knittel, M., (2023). “I didn't expect the permissions to be a beast like they were”: The 'Black Box' of Intimate Data Flows in Internet of Things-Mediated Intimate Abuse. European Conference on Domestic Violence

Antolini, M.; Thorson, K., (2023). We had to rely on Instagram: Activist youth in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic. ICA.

Antolini, M.; Silva, M. P.; Vos, T., (2023). Metajournalistic discourse in US coverage of Brazil: Journalistic roles and values related to threats to democracy. ICA.

Mourão, R.; Antolini, M.; Silva, M. P.; Vos, T.; Menezes, L., (2023). News characteristics, newsworthiness and sharing news during a violent authoritarian movement. Future of Journalism.

Pettengill, J., (2023). Eye of the Beholder: A Content Analysis of Gendered Gazes in Movie Sex Scenes Before and After #metoo. AEJMC.

Hardy, J., Geier, C., Vargas, S., Doll, R., & Howard, A. L., (2022). LGBTQ Futures and Participatory Design: Investigating Visibility, Community, and the Future of Future Workshops. CSCW.

Geier, C., (2022). That's just how it is: Discussions of toxicity and individual accountability in online video games on Reddit. Meaningful Play.

Neuls, G. Battocchio, A.F. da Silva, M., (2023). Learning from Indigenous Journalism: a case for standpoint journalism. AEJMC.

Rodrigues, L., (2023). Black people and the outcomes of contact with content that contains racialized violence online. ICA.


Mourão, R.; Antolini, M.; Silva, M. P.; Vos, T.; Rodrigues, L., (2023). News characteristics, newsworthiness and sharing news during a violent authoritarian movement. Future of Journalism.

Rodrigues, L. & Parks, P., (2023). Framing wind farms in the news: how sources affect the coverage of renewable energy in the U.S.. AEJMC.

Issaka.B, Mohammed. I, Suleman. M, Abdul Raheem. S., (2022). Challenging Place-Based Beliefs in Ghana and Nigeria: Examining Mental Health Digital Discourses to Reframe Advocacy. NCA.

Issaka.B, Abdul Raheem.S, Aidoo. E, Aderonke, D., (2023). Behavioral Analysis of Teachers’ Attitudes towards Students’ Use of Mobile Phones in Schools in Ghana. ICA.

Issaka. B, Desta, B., Draeger. M, Alhabash. S., (2023). Post-Partum Depression: Help-Seeking Behaviors Among New Mothers through Offline and Online Channels. DCHC.

Abdul Raheem. S, Issaka. B., (2023). Examining Public Health Education: A case of Adolescent Service Policy and Strategy, Ghana. DCHC.

Y. A. Argyris, N. Zhang, B. Bashyal and P.N. Tan, (2022). Using Deep Learning to Identify Linguistic Features that Facilitate or Inhibit the Propagation of Anti- and Pro-Vaccine Content on Social Media. ICDH.

N. Zhang, H. Li, (2023). Artificial Intelligence for Advertising Creativity: Advances and Implications. AEJMC.

Hales, G. E., & Hampton, K., (2023). Time with Friends and Family Displaces Academic Achievement: No Relation from Media via Digital Skills. American Sociological Association.

Bezbaruah, S., Dong, C., Alhabash, S. and Ma, M., (2023). What if others see it? Investigating effects of eWOM privacy, social tie strength, and product category stigmatization on the persuasiveness of eWOM messages on Instagram. ICA.

Averkiadi, E., & Van Osch, W., (2023). Identifying Features of Persuasive AI in the Workplace. HCII.

Prado, T. S., & Bauer, J. M., (2022). Safeguarding Competition in Digital Markets: A Comparative Analysis of Emerging Policy and Regulatory Regimes. ITS and TPRC50.

Prado, T. S., & Bauer, J. M., (2023). Measuring the Market Power of Digital Platforms - An Empirical Investigation of Internet user responses to digital ads in video streaming services. Conference of the International Telecommunications Society.

Besley, J.C., & Tiffany, L.A., (2022). What are you assessing when you measure "trust" with a direct measure?. AEJMC.

Tiffany, LA., Rodrigues, L., Takahashi, B., Menezes, S., & Valdez-Ward, E., (2023). Perceptions of Science Communication Among Environmental Scientists of Historically Minoritized Groups. ICA.

Baykaldi, S., White, L., Shin, S., Smith, M., (2023). Collective Memory: An Analysis of News Frames in the MSU Mass Shooting. AEJMC.

Zhan, E. S., Thorson, E., Chen, W., (2023). Exploring the role of personal values in civic news use and community participation. AEJMC.

Battocchio, A.F., (2023). Bridging the gap between Facebook and Dollar General: A mixed methods approach to understanding rural hybrid media ecosystems.

Mitchell, K. M., Daramola, A., & Moore, S., (2023). Providing Supportive Care Via Telemedicine: Interviews with Michigan-based Medical Providers on the Perspective of their Abilities. DCHC.

Mitchell, K. M., Holtz, B. E., Hirko, K., & Ford, S., (2023). Perceptions of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing rural and urban samples. DCHC.

Nelson, V.R., (2023). The Stigmatized and Surveilled: Fat Bodies and mHealth Surveillance. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association.

Henley, D.J., Alhabash, S., Cash, S., Corrigan, J., (2023). Monetary Valuation of Personal Instagram Use. Midwestern Psychological Association.

Pacic, G., Delle, F.A., Rhodes, N., (2023). Perceptions of ADHD Information on Social Media. Health Communication Conference.

Bente, G., Jahn, N., Delle, F.A., Wu, J., Huang, Z., (2023). Watching Movies in VR: A research ecosystem for the study of screen effects. ICA.

Antolini, M., Neuls, G., Mourao, R., Silva, M. P., (2024). Influencers as political news providers: Understanding patterns of information consumption during elections in Brazil. ICA.

Antolini, M., (2024). Making sense of a senseless world: how girls from low-income neighborhoods with high violence rates use media and understand their own rights. ICA.




Book Chapters


Abdollahi, M., Fang, Y., Liu, H., Segijn, C. M., (2023). Examining Affect, Relevance, and Creepiness as Underlying Mechanisms of Consumers’ Attitudes toward Synced Ads in Different Contexts. Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII) Communicating, Designing and Consuming Authenticity and Narrative. 65-80.

Núñez-Mussa, E., Montenegro, C., Fernández, F. J., (2023). "Teaching news in Chile: opening a necessary debate" in Building a field. Notes about journalism studies in Chile. Editorial Usach: Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Fernández, F.J.; Núñez-Mussa, E., (2022). Chile: Digital News Report. Reuters Digital News Report. 120-121.

Núñez-Mussa, E., (2023). Proposal to study fact-checking ecosystems and measure their institutionalization.

Averkiadi, E., & Van Osch, W., (2023). Understanding Artificial Intelligence as Persuasive Technologies in the Workplace: Improving Effectiveness, Ethicality, and Empowerment.

Bauer, J. M., & Prado, T. S., (2023). Digital Innovation: An Information-Economic Perspective. The Elgar Companion to Information Economics.

Boodoo, C., Puentes, D., Domalgalski, R., & Tiffany, L.A., (in progress). Science Communication and Engagement in the Graduate Student Program.

Lim, C., (in press). Beyond fatiguing virtual meetings: how should virtual meetings for workplaces be supported?. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Beyea, D., Ratan, R., Yiming, L., Hales, G., & Lim, C., (in press). A new meta-analysis of the Proteus effect: Studies in VR find stronger effect sizes. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Ratan, R., Ucha, C., Lei, Y., Lim, C., Triwibowo, W., Yelon, S., & Chen, V. H. H., (2022). How do social presence and active learning in synchronous and asynchronous online classes relate to students’ perceived course gains?. Computers and Education.



2021 - 2022


Journal Articles


McClaran, N., Rhodes, N., & Yao, S. X., (2022). Trust and coping beliefs contribute to racial disparities in COVID-19 vaccination intention. Health Communication, 1-8.

Takahashi, B. & Zhang, Q., (2022). Touch in Disaster Reporting: Television Coverage Before Hurricane Maria. Journalism Studies, 1-22.

Steinhardt, J., & McClaran, M., Separating the Art from the Artist: The Role of Narratives on Music Enjoyment and Appreciation. Psychology of Music

Peng, Z., & Miller, S., Technological and perceptional predictors of news use on the WeChat mobile application. Journalism Practice, 1-20.

Shin, S., (in press). Ideal image for news media: A typology for repairing public trust, Journalism & Communication Monographs

Shin, S. Y. & Watson, B., (2022). Trial by media?: Media use, fear of crime, and attitudes toward police. Journalism Practice, 1-22.

Wolfgang, D., Vos, P. T., Kelling, K., & Shin, S. Y., (2021). Political journalism and democracy: How journalists reflect political viewpoint diversity in their reporting. Journalism Studies, 22 (10), 1339-1357.

Mourão, R. R., Shin, S. Y., & Tunney, C., (2021). Toward in-depth coverage: Testing the effectiveness of a single-issue multimedia course for undergraduate public affairs reporting. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 76 (3), 338-351.

Chen, Y., Dong, C., Rodgers, K., Thorson, K., Baykaldi, S., Cotter, K., (under review 2021). Civic Information Beyond Local News: Identifying Local Civic Information on Facebook Corresponding. Telematics and Informatics

Lewin, K. M., Meshi, D., Schuster, A. M., Cotten, S. R., (2022). Active and passive social media use are differentially related to depressive symptoms in older adults. Aging and Mental Health, 1-8.

Adams, R. B., Nelson, V. R., & Holtz, B. E., (2021). Barriers for Telemedicine Use Among Nonusers at the Beginning of the Pandemic. Telemedicine Reports, 2 (1), 211-216.

Tiffany, L.A., Hautea, S., Besley, J. C., Newman, T. P., Dudo, A., (2022). Effect of Context on Scientists’ Normative Beliefs. Science Communication, 44 (1), 86-107.

Adams, R. B., Geier, C., Mitchell, K. M., Holtz, B. E., (2022 under review). Informed Consent for Online Surveys – What is the Risk?: Assessing Comprehension and Individual Differences in Readings of Consent Forms in a Non-Student Population. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics

Holtz B., Mitchell K., Hirko K., Ford S., (2022). Using the Technology Acceptance Model to Characterize Barriers and Opportunities of Telemedicine in Rural Populations: Survey and Interview Study. JMIR Formative Research 6 (4), e3510

Shin, S.Y., (2022). News Media Image: A Typology of Audience Perspectives. Journalism & Communication Monographs

Chen, W., & Thorson, E., (2021). Perceived individual and societal values of news and paying for subscriptions. Journalism, 22 (6), 1296-1316.

Reisdorf, B., Blank, G., Bauer, J., Cotten, S. Robertson, C. & Knittel, M., (2021). Information-seeking patterns and COVID-19 in the United States. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 1, 1-38.

Prado, T. S. & Bauer, J. M., (2022). Big Tech Platform Acquisitions of Start-ups and Venture Capital Funding for Innovation. Information Economics and Policy, 59.

Muraro, I. S., and Rifon, N. J., (in review). Motivating Brand Boycotting Behavior with Social Norm Messaging. Journal of Consumer Affairs

Muraro, I. S., Thorson, K., Huddleston, P., (2023). The Role of Cause Support and Brand Relationship in Anti-Brand Collective Actions: The Carrefour Case. Journal of Brand Management

Molina, M., Rifon, N. J., and Muraro, I. S., (under review). How do Social Media Bots Persuade? The Role of Image Identity Congruence and Emotion in Creating an Online Persona. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

Núñez-Mussa, E., & Porath, W., (2021). Propuesta y aplicación de un marco para analizar la actuación de los periodistas que conducen debates electorales (Proposal and application of a framework to analyze the performance of journalists conducting electoral debates). Estudios Sobre El Mensaje Periodístico, 27 (3), 893-908.

Porath, W., Ortega-Gunckel, C. & Núñez-Mussa, E., (2021). Application of Functional Theory of Political Discourse in Chilean presidential debates to determine the influence of journalists in the contents. Communication and Society, 34 (4), 167-184.

Ortega-Gunckel, C., Núñez-Mussa, E., & Porath, W., (2022). Comparison between press coverage of presidential campaigns and the agenda of journalists conducting debates. Comunicación Y Sociedad, 2022 (0), 24-ene

Li, Y., Zhang, Y., Tiffany, L.A., Chen, R., Cai, M., & Liu, J., (2021). Synthesizing social and environmental sensing to monitor the impact of large-scale infrastructure development. Environmental Science & Policy, 124, 527-540.

Tiffany, L.A., & Besley, J.C., (under review). What drives positive science festival evaluations. Public Understanding of Science

Tiffany, L.A., (under review). The Journalism-Public Relations Role Continuum. Journalism

Besley, J.C., & Tiffany, L.A., (under review). Demand for Trustworthiness Information in the Context of COVID-19 and Genetically Engineered Food. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly

Besley, J.C., Garlick, S., Fallon-Lambert, K., & Tiffany, L.A., (under review). A Tale of Two Forests: Strategic Public Engagement Needs Leaders. Science Communication

Saleem Alhabash,Saleem Barikisu Issaka, Linda White, Sandi Smith. (under review). Does 'What Happens on Social Media Stay on Social Media'? A TPB Analysis of the Relationship between Platform Preference and Alcohol Posting on Halloween among Underage Youth. Health Communication

Ellithorpe, M., Aladé, F., Adams, R. B., & Nowak, G., (2022). Looking ahead: Caregivers’ COVID-19 vaccination intention for children 5 years old and younger using the health belief mode. Vaccine. 40 (10), 1404-1412.

Ellithorpe, M. E., Adams, R., & Aladé, F., (2022). Parents’ behaviors and experiences associated with four vaccination behavior groups for childhood vaccine hesitancy. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 26 (2), 280-288.

Huskey, R., Keene, J., Wilcox, S., Gong, X., Adams, R. B., Najera, C. J., (2021). Flexible and Modular Brain Network Dynamics Characterize Flow Experiences During Media Use: A Mechanistic Inquiry into Content Dynamics and Well-Being. Journal of Communication. 72 (1), 6-32.

Joshi, A., (2022). Motivating sustainable behaviors by framing biodiversity loss as a public health risk. Journal of Risk Research. 26 (2), 156-175.

Delle, F.A., Clayton, R.B., Jordan Jackson, F.F., & Lee, J., (2022). Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Simultaneously examining the association between three social networking sites and relationship stress and satisfaction. Psychology of Popular Media

Lewin, K. M., Ellithorpe, M. E., Meshi, D., (2022). Social comparison and problematic social media use: Relationships between five different social media platforms and three different social comparison constructs. Personality and Individual Differences


Conference Papers


HR Lee, EJ Cheon, C Lim, K Fischer, (2022). Configuring Humans: What Roles Humans Play in HRI Research. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

Lewin, K. M., Ellithorpe, M. E., Meshi, D., (2022). Relationships between Social Comparison and Platform Specific Problematic Social Media Use. ICA

Lewin K. M. & Meshi, D., (2022). Neural Correlates of Executive Functioning During Smartphone Separation. ICA

Lee, H., (2022). Coverage of the Inter-Korean Summit: A comparative study of the US, Chinese, South Korean and North Korean news agencies. ICA

Lee, H., (2022). Social media influencers’ strategic communication for public diplomacy. AEJMC 2022

Yao, S. X., McClaran, N., Ewoldsen, D., & Ellithorpe, M., (2022). Cultivating Adulthood Prejudice through Retrospective Childhood Social Media Use: Preliminary Results from Two Studies. ICA

McClaran, N., & Yao, S. X., (2022). Audience Expectations and Preferences for Health Communication in Entertainment Television. ICA

McClaran, N., Rhodes, N., & Yao, S. X., (2022). A Dual-Process Examination of Social Norms. ICA

Chen, Y., Dong, C., Rodgers, K., Thorson, K., Baykaldi, S., Cotter, K., (2022). Civic Information Beyond Local News: Identifying Local Civic Information on Facebook Corresponding. ICA

Liu, H., Katz, S. J., (2022). Delay or Right Away? Synchronicity of Social Media Use (SMU) and Its Impact on State Social Anxiety Arising from Social Media Use (SASMU). ICA

Beyea, D., Ratan, R., Lei, Y., Liu, H., Hales, G., Lim, C., (2022). Toward a Clear Definition and Understanding of the Proteus Effect: Examining Modality and Avatar Uncanniness as Moderators. ICA

Lei, Y.; Ewoldsen, D., (2022). Exploring excitation transfer effects in video game playing and subsequent watching. ICA

Klein, M.; Ratan R.; Liu, H.; Lei, Y; Hales, G; Fennell, C.; Winn, B., (2022). Do you buy it? Examining the Impact of a Serious Game on Financial Attitudes. ICA

Hautea, S., Besley, J., Choung, H., (2022). Communicating Trust and Trustworthiness Through Scientists’ Biographies: Benevolence Beliefs. ICA

Mesyn, T.J. (Tara), (2022). Iconic Imagery and Collective Memory in the Visual Comparisons of Kabul and Saigon. AEJMC

Aladé, S., Mesyn, T.J., Lemley, B., (2022). Being the Change: Centering Marginalized Voices Involved in Creating a Children’s Television Series. AEJMC

Mesyn, T.J. (Tara), (2022). Visualizing Teacher Prep: An Investigation of Visual Literacy in a Secondary Teacher Preparation Program. IVLA

Hardy, J., Geier, C., Vargas, S., Doll, R., Howard, A. L., (2022, in revisions). LGBTQ Futures and Participatory Design: Investigating Visibility, Community, and the Future of Future Workshops. CSCW

Zheng, Q., Zhang, X., (2022). Mourning as Collective Actions: Examining How Mourning Frames and Dynamics Materialize on the Chinese “Online Wailing Wall” during Covid-19 Pandemic. AEJMC

Zheng, Q., Dong C-Q., (2022). Restoring trust through transparency: Examining the effects of transparency strategies on police crisis communication in mainland China. IPRRC

Senyo, Prosper K., (2022). New Dualism: Rethinking the Ontology of Media Systems in African Liberal Democracies. AEJMC

Neuls, G.S; Ninni, K.; Mourao, R., (2022). Discourses about socio-environmental impact of hydropower in Brazilian news. ICA

Mourao, R; Neuls, G.S; Ninni, K., (2022). Hydropower in the News: How Journalists Do (Not) Cover the Environmental & Socioeconomic Costs of Dams in Brazil. AEJMC

Robertson, C., Knittel, M., Blank, G., Bauer, J. & Shillair, R., (2022). The influence of news media, politicians, and experts as information sources on COVID-19 attitudes and beliefs: A US–UK comparison. ICA

Mitchell, K. M. & Knittel, M., (2021). Technology and sexuality:Exploring how LGBTQ+ individuals manage uncertainty in online dating. ICA

Knittel, M. & Wash, R., (2022). How an online health support community responded to the COVID-19 crisis. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Prado, T. S., (2022). Safeguarding Competition in Digital Markets: A Comparative Analysis of Emerging Policy and Regulatory Regimes. ITS

Prado, T. S., (2022). Emerging Policy and Regulatory Regimes for Digital Platforms: Lessons for U.S. Competition Policy. TPRC 50

Muraro, I. S., Rifon, N. J., (2022). When Worlds Collide: A Balance Theory Approach to Understanding Brand Boycotts. European Academy of Advertising (ICORIA)

Antolini, A. C.; Chavez, M., (2022). The Initial Narrative of one of Brazil’s Saddest Stories: The Characteristics of Covid-19 Journalistic Coverage. ICA

Antolini, A. C.; Chavez, M., (2022). Journalism Accountability during Covid-19: Media Reporting from Brazil’s President Statements. AEJMC

Núñez-Mussa, E.; Fernández Medina, F.J.; Campillo, G.; Bonilla, C., (2022). A Cable to China: An international journalism project in a context of confinement. WJEC

Núñez-Mussa, E., (2021). Crisis de confianza y una industria precaria. Los resultados para Chile de The Media for Democracy Monitor (Crisis of trust and a precarious industry. Chilean results for The Media for Democracy Monitor). INCOM (Congress of the Chilean Association of Communication Researchers)

Núñez-Mussa, E., (2021). Propuesta para organizar ecosistemas nacionales de fact-checking y medir su madurez (Proposal to organize and measure the complexity of national fact-checking ecosystems). VI Congreso Internacional Comunicación y Pensamiento

Núñez-Mussa, E.; Fernández Medina, F.J., (2021). Y ahora, ¿Quién salvará al periodismo? El fact-checking frente a la formación profesional (Who will save journalism? Fact-fact checking in professional education). VI Congreso Internacional Comunicación y Pensamiento

Battocchio, A.F., & Smith, M., (2022) Reaching the Rust Belt: Exploring identity and intergroup threat in 2020 election speeches. AEJMC

Battocchio, A. F., Thorson, K., Hiaeshutter‑Rice, D., Smith, M., Chen, Y., Edgerly, S.,Cotter, K., Denzin, K., Choung, H., Dong, C., Moldagaliyeva, M., Etheridge, C.,Kohlmeier, S., and Werth, L., (2022). Localizing social justice stories: Social media and local civic information infrastructure in six midwestern United States communities. AEJMC

Chen, Y., Choung, H., Battocchio, A.F., Hiaeshutter‑Rice, D., Smith, M., Draeger, M., Dong, C., and Xiao, A., (2022). Discursive Opportunity Structure: The Evolutions of Racial justice discourses by local community organizations on Facebook. AEJMC

Young Argyris, Nan Zhang, Bidhan Bashyal and Pang-Ning Tan., (2022). Using Deep Learning to Identify Linguistic Features that Facilitate or Inhibit the Propagation of Anti- and Pro-Vaccine Content on Social Media. IEEE ICDH

Nelson, V.R., (2022). Advancing Telemedicine Care Through Blockchain Technology. ICA

Holtz, B., Parrott, M.S., Kanthawala, S., Martin, K., Nelson, V.R., (2022). Young adults' adoption and use of mental health apps: Efficient, effective, but no replacement for in-person care. ICA

Tiffany, L.A., & Besley, J.C., (2021). Scientists' Ability to Judge the Success of their own Public Engagement Efforts. Science & You Conference

Tiffany, L.A., & Besley, J.C., (2021). Basic Science vs. Policy: Multi-Engagement Approaches at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites (LTERs). SciPEP Conference

Tiffany, L.A., & Besley, J.C., (2022). What Drives Positive Science Festival Evaluations. ICA

Besley, J.C., Garlick, S., & Tiffany, L.A., (2022). A Tale of Two Forests: Strategic Public Engagement Requires Leaders. ICA

Issaka Bariksu, Sakshi Bhati and Piper Brandt, (2021). Assessing Mental Health Awareness and Help-Seeking behaviors of International Students at Kansas State University. NCA

Issaka Barikisu, Sakshi Bhati and Piper Brandt, (2022). Assessing Mental Health Perceptions and Counseling Seeking Behaviors of International College Students. ICA

Saleem Alhabash, Barikisu Issaka, Linda White , Anvita Suneja, Sandi Smith, (2022). Does 'What Happens on Social Media Stay on Social Media'? A TPB Analysis of the Relationship between Platform Preference and Alcohol Posting on Halloween among Underage Youth. ICA

Baykaldi, S. & Chavez, M., (2022). A Content Analysis of 2016 Terrorist Attacks In Turkey Reported by the U.S. Newspapers. AEJMC

Katz, S. J., Petersen, A., Liu, H., Cohen, E., Hatsukami, D., (2021). Middle School Youth and Vaping Flavor Presentation: Risk, Novelty, and Susceptibility.Tobacco Regulatory Science Meeting (TRS)

Katz, S. J., Petersen, A., Liu, H., Cohen, E., Hatsukami, D., (2021). Parental Misperceptions of Youth Vaping. NCA

Abdollahi, M., Fang, Y., Liu, H., Segijn, C. M., (2021). What Determines Consumers’ Attitudes toward Synched Ads in Different Contexts? Examining Mood, Relevance, and Creepiness as Underlying Mechanisms. The 19th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA)

Katz, S. J., Petersen, A., Liu, H., Cohen, E., Hatsukami, D., (2021). Vaping Flavors and Flavor Representations: A Test of Youth Risk Perceptions and Novelty Perceptions. AEJMC

Zhan, ES., Thorson, E., Chen, W., (2022). Let’s talk about the news! Online disinhibition as a critical component of the news consumption to participation path. ICA

Chen, W., Thorson, E., Zhan, ES., (2022). Challenges to the News Democracy Narrative: Reexamining the Effects of Knowledge and Civic Competence. ICA

Chen, W., Thorson, E., Zhan, ES., (2022). Examination of Civic Values and Their Impact on News Use and Community Participation. AEJMC

Delle, F.A., Clayton, R.B., Jordan Jackson, F.F., & Lee, J., (2022). Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Simultaneously examining the association between three social networking sites and relationship stress and satisfaction. ICA

Delle, F.A., Sanders-Jackson, A., Rhodes, N., Neumann, D., (2022). Examining the Influence of the LGBTQ Community and their Social Norms on Anti-Smoking Message Processing. ICA

Clayton, R.B., Biangel, R., Delle, F.A., Deshmukh, S., Hechlik, E., Khan, T., Park, J., Rao, C. Sarmiento, H., Sarra, E., (2022). ICA

Takahashi, B. & Zhang, Q., (2022). Place in Disaster Coverage: Newspaper Coverage of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. ICA

McClintock, D. & Owen, C., Common narrative in educational video games: a design of games to teach circuits. The 16th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG)



Book Chapters


Battocchio, A.F., Wells, C., Vraga, E., Thorson, K., Edgerly, S., & Bode, L., (in press). Gen Z's civic engagement: News use, politics and cultural engagement. Handbook of digital politics.

Battocchio, A.F., Bode, L., Wells, C., Vraga, E., Thorson, K., & Edgerly, S., (in press). Gen Z's civic engagement: Civic skills, political expression, and identity. Handbook of digital politics.

Takahashi, B., Duan, R., Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., & Li, W., (2021). Covering the Environment Beat: A Systematic Review of Research on News Media Coverage of the Environment.The Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication. 17-30

Bauer, J. M. & Prado, T. S., (2022). Innovation in information industries. Elgar Companion on Information Economics.

Muraro, I. S., and Rifon, N. J., (in press). A Typology of Consumer Activism: Resolving Conceptual Inexactitude and Systematizing the Nuances of Anti-Brand Behaviors. Advances in Advertising Research Series (Vol. XII).

Fernández, F.J.; Núñez-Mussa, E., (2021). Chile. Digital News Report 10th Edition. 120-121

Núñez-Mussa, E., Karppinen, K., & Vandenberghe, H., (2022). Journalistic practices contesting the concept of internal pluralism: Mapping strategies for internal diversity in and through the news. Success and failure in news media performance: Comparative analysis in the Media for Democracy Monitor 2021. 275-288

Ruggiero, C., Karadimitriou, A., Lo, W. H., Núñez-Mussa, E., Bomba, M., & Sallusti, S., (2022). The professionalisation of journalism: Global trends and the challenges of training and job insecurity. Success and failure in news media performance: Comparative analysis in the Media for Democracy Monitor 2021. 309-335

Mayerhöffer, E., Belluati, M., DeCillia, B., d’Haenens, L., Fubini, A., Lo, W. H., Núñez-Mussa, E., Ólafsson, J. G., & Rega, R., (2022). Countering misinformation in and from the newsroom: How digital platforms redefine journalistic practice and the democratic role of news media.Success and failure in news media performance: Comparative analysis in the Media for Democracy Monitor 2021. 35-58