Get to graduation quicker by taking some of your major requirements this summer! With faster course times, you can earn more credits in a shorter time.
Courses to help you get ahead

Get to graduation quicker by taking some of your major requirements this summer! With faster course times, you can earn more credits in a shorter time.
Have you ever wondered how Superbowl ads get made? Or how that Instagram ad gets you to click? In ADV 205 you’ll go behind the scenes to explore what a career in advertising could be.
Communication design principles used by art directors for research, exploration, and execution. Visual communication solutions using design principles with the appropriate digital technology. Design software includes Adobe CC Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign.
Your foundational writing experience for the advertising world begins now! In ADV 225, you’ll learn AP Style, practice collecting reliable information, and produce a variety of written communications, applicable to real-world creative roles.
Sharpen your decision-making skills by solving real-world advertising problems in ADV 330. Get a glimpse of the fast-paced nature of advertising and view, approach, unpack, frame, and manage your way through actual advertising case studies.
The primary purpose of this course is to introduce you to the account planning and research roles in advertising, and to provide you with the important strategic perspective and technical skills needed to excel in the field.
Learn how to set objectives, develop strategies and choose communication tactics to achieve your communication goals. Dive into audience analysis and competitor analysis. Plus, get hands-on experience with media planning math and budgeting.
Explore the power of branding by creating a brand manifesto. Build out your brand identity and culture through different kinds of media. Plus, create a branding case study for use in your portfolio.
Dive into digital analytics and leverage the power of data. You will learn how to collect, analyze, and report on digital media analytics in order to inform strategic advertising and public relations decision making.
Has an advertisement ever made you think differently? In ADV 475, you’ll analyze representations, gauge group assumptions, perspectives, and dynamics, and make persuasive arguments about the impacts advertisements have on societies, cultures, and economies.
Put your knowledge into action! In ADV 486 you’ll develop an integrated advertising campaign for a real-world client, with design, media, and marketing elements.
Why is it that communicating in close relationships can sometimes feel difficult? This course is designed to dive deep into the theory, research and skills needed to effectively communicate in a variety of interpersonal contexts, especially in close relationships.
Let’s talk media! That feels like a big word, doesn’t it? JRN 108 will take you on a media journey that highlights journalism and media industries of the U.S., while breaking down how these industries formed, how information gets disseminated and how these industries are structured. You’ll get a broad overview of journalistic and media practices, and their roles in our larger communication landscape.
You will learn to do journalism in ways that are new, different and engaging, while always being accurate and fair. A key part of accuracy is to reflect the diversity of our communities and the ideas in our class by including everyone in our work. The work you do will be published on the Spartan Newsroom site.
Credible, trustworthy journalism is the cornerstone of a good story. Learn the skills it takes to bring your storytelling and that of others to the next level. In 305, you’ll learn how to edit for accuracy, brevity and maximum impact.
Learn the ins and outs of photojournalism. From visual communication to camera operation; software editing to the ethics of photos and videos. Create or take amazing visuals that tell an important story.
If you are unable to enroll in this class, please submit a course request at or email
Storytelling for long-form narratives for magazines and other media outlets. Delve into the human interest angle when developing stories to educate and/or entertain. Learn how to pitch stories to get published.
Experience hands-on public relations writing in PR 225, with explanations of PR theories, and practical applications of written business communications.
Explore the role and function of public relations in society and history, and understand the unique professional areas within the field of PR.
Production of social media and public relations messages to achieve strategic organizational communication objectives. Techniques for measuring success. Development of public relations portfolio.
Strategic planning and ethical considerations in public relations, social media and digital media.