2010 Communication Publications

Gerald R. Miller Library

Aldrich, R.S., & Morrison, K. (2010). Exploring why college students discuss commitment in dating relationships. The Florida Journal of Communication, 38, 113-124. 
Andrews, K., Silk, K., Eneli, I. (2010). Parents as health promoters: A theory of planned behavior perspective on the prevention of childhood overweight and obesity. Journal of Health Communication, 15, 95-107. (ISI: 2.35) 
Askelson, N.M., Campo, S., Lowe, J.B., Dennis, L.K., Smith, S.W., and Andsager, J. (2010). Factors related to physicians’ willingness to vaccinate girls against HPV: The importance of subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. Women & Health, 50, 144-158. doi:10.1080/03630241003705094 
Askelson, N.M., Campo, S., Lowe, J.B., Smith, S., Dennis, L.K., & Andsager, J. (2010). Using the theory of planned behavior to predict mothers’ intentions to vaccinate their daughters against HPV. The Journal of School Nursing, 26, 194-202. doi:10.1177/1059840510366022 
Atkin, C.K., & Smith, S.W. (2010) Improving communication practices to reduce breast cancer environmental risks. Health Communication, 25, 587-588. doi:10.1080/10410236.2010.496836 
Bente, G., Leuschner, H., Al-Issa, A., & Blascovich, J.J. (2010). The others: Universals and cultural specificities in the perception of status and dominance from nonverbal behavior. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(3), 762-777.  
Bergan, D.E. (2010). Estimating the effect of tobacco contributions on legislative behavior using panel data. Social Science Quarterly, 91(3), 635-648. 
Boster, F., & Sherry, J.L. (2010). Alternative methodological approaches to communication science. In C. Berger, M. E. Roloff, & D. Roskos-Ewoldson (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Science (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 

Bresnahan, M.J., Guan, X., Smith, S.W., Wang, X, & Edmundson, J.Z. (2010). Cultures of the soul: Spiritual beliefs about organ donation in China and the US. Chinese Journal of Communication, 3, 133-146. doi:10.1080/17544751003740334 
Bresnahan, M.J., & Mahler, K. (2010). Ethical debate over organ donation in the context of brain death. Bioethics, 24, 54-60. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8519.2008.00690.x 
Bresnahan, M.J., Smith, S.W., & Kim, K. (2010). Blood and gore on primetime: Does it affect attitudes toward organ donation? Journal of Health and Mass Communication, 2, 56-73. 

Bresnahan, M. & Zhuang, J. (2010) Exploration and validation of the dimensions of stigma. Journal of Health Psychology. 15, 231-243. doi: 10.1177/1359105310382583 
Bresnahan, M.I., & Zhuang, J. (2010). Towards a theory of stigma. Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 231-243. doi:10.1348/135910709X457946.  
Breuer, J, & Bente, G. (2010). Why so serious? On the relation of serious games and learning. Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture, 4(1), 7-24.  
Clark-Hitt, R., Dean, M., Smith, S.W., Nazione, S., Atkin, C.K., & Whitten, P. (2010). Relative frequency of breast cancer website information topics: Environmental risk, prevention, detection, treatment, awareness, social support, and survivorship. Journal of Health and Mass Communication, 2, 36-55. 
Dearing, J.W. (2010), “Diffusion of Innovations,” in Susanna Priest (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 218-223. 

Dearing, J.W. (2010), “Maverick Science and Journalism,” in Susanna Priest (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 461-465. 
Dearing, J.W. (2010), “Social Marketing,” in Susanna Priest (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 814-816. 
Donohue, W.A. (2010). Managing the paradoxes in crisis bargaining. In Randall Rogan and Fredrick Lanceley (Ed.’s), Contemporary theory, research and practice of crisis and hostage negotiation (pp. 77-94). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 
Glazer, E.L., Smith, S.W., Atkin, C.K., & Hamel, L.M. (2010). The effects of sensation seeking, misperceptions of peer consumption, and believability of social norms messages on alcohol consumption. Journal of Health Communication, 15, 825-839. doi:10.1080/10810730.2010.522222 
Greenberg, B.S., Sherry, J.L., Lachlan, K., Lucas, K., & Holmstrom, A. (2010). Orientations to video games among gender and age groups. Simulation & Gaming, 41, 238-259. doi:10.1177/1046878108319930 
Jansen, A., Bente, G., & Krämer, N.C. (2010). Wahlkampf 2005: Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung der Inszenierung von Angela Merkel und Gerhard Schröder in den Fernsehnachrichten unter Berücksichtigung des Geschlechterstereotyps.Information – Wahrnehmung – Emotion, 2, 33-50.  
Krämer, N.C., & Bente, G. (2010) Personalizing e-learning. The social effects of pedagogical agents. Educational Psychology Review, 22(1), 71-87.  
Lapinski, M., Braz, M., Maloney, E., & Randall, L. (2010). The down low, social stigma, and risky sexual behaviors: Implications for health communication interventions. Journal of Homosexuality, 57(5), 610-633. (2011 Impact Factor: .471; 5 Year Impact Factor: .859) 

Long, M., Steinke, J., Applegate, B., Lapinski, M.K., Johnson, M.J., Ghosh, S. (2010) Portrayals of male and female scientist characters in television programs popular among middle school-aged children. Science Communication, 32(3), 356-382. (2011 Impact Factor: 2.077; 5 Year Impact Factor: 2.022) 
McDonald, M.G., & Meng, J. (2010). The multitasking of entertainment. In S. Kleinman (Ed.), The Culture of Efficiency: Technology in Everyday Life. New York: Peter Lang. 
Mollen, S., Rimal, R.N., & Lapinski, M. (2010). What is normative in Health Communication research on norms? A review and recommendations for future scholarship. Health Communication, 25(6-7), 544-547. (2011 Impact Factor: .971; 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.763) 

Olekalns, M., Brett, J., & Donohue, W.A. (2010). Words are all I have: Linguistic cues as predictors of settlement in divorce mediation. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 3, 145-168.  
Park, H.S., Yun, D., Smith, S.W., & Morrison, K (2010). Family communication patterns and willingness to engage in family discussion about organ donation in the United States. Global Journal of Health Science, 2(2), 61-71. 
Santos, N.S., Kuzmanovic, B., David, N., Rotarska-Jagiela, A., Eickhoff, S.B., Shah, N.J., Fink, G.R., Bente, G., & Vogeley, K. (2010). Animated brain: A functional neuroimaging study on animacy experience. Neuroimage, 53, 291-302.  
Schilbach, L., Wilms, M., Eickhoff, S.B., Romanzetti, S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Shah, N.J., Fink, G.R., & Vogeley, K. (2010). Minds Made for Sharing: Initiating Joint Attention Recruits Reward-related Neurocircuitry. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22(12), 2702-2715.  
Schwartz, C., Bente, G., Gawronski, A., Schilbach, L., & Vogeley, K. (2010). Responses to nonverbal behaviour of dynamic virtual characters in high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 100-111.  
Serota, K.B., Levine, T.R., & Boster, F.J. (2010). The prevalence of lying in America: Three studies of self-reported lies. Human Communication Research, 36, 2-25. 
Sherry, J.L. (2010). Matching computer game genres to educational outcomes. In C. M. Stewart, C. C. Schifter & M. E. Markaridian Selverian (Eds.), Teaching and Learning with Technology: Beyond Constructivism. New York: Routledge. 
Sherry, J.L. (2010). The value of communication science. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 38, 302-306. 
Silk, K.J ., Horodynski, M., Rienzo, M., Mercer, L., & Olson, B. (2010). Strategies to increase health literacy in a six-lesson curriculum on infant feeding. Health Promotion & Practice, 11(2), 226-234. 
Smith, K.J.K., & Morrison, K. (2010). “The philosophy of friends with benefits: What college students think they know.” In M. Bruce and R.M. Stewart (Eds.), College sex: Philosophy for everyone (pps. 103-114). Malden, MA: Blackwell-Wiley. 
Smith, S.W., Hamel, L.M., Kotowski, M.R., Nazione, S., LaPlante, C., Atkin, C.K., Stohl, C., & Skubisz, C. (2010). Action tendency emotions associated with memorable breast cancer messages and prevention and detection behaviors. Health Communication, 25, 737-746. doi:10.1080/10410236.2010.521916 
Steinke, J., Lapinski, M.K., Van der Maas, C., Ryan, L., Long, M., Applegate, B. (2010). Seeing oneself as a scientist: Media influences and adolescent girls’ science career-possible selves. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 15(4), 279-301. 

Tamborini, R., & Bowman, N.D. (2010). Presence in video games. In C. Campanella-Bracken & P. Skalski (Eds.), Immersed in media: Telepresence in everyday life (pp. 87–110). New York: Routledge. 
Tamborini, R., Bowman, N.D., Eden, A., Grizzard, M., and Organ, A. (2010). Defining media enjoyment as the satisfaction of intrinsic needs. Journal of Communication, 60(4), 758-777. 
Tamborini, R., Weber, R., Eden, A., Bowman, N.D., & Grizzard, M. (2010). Repeated exposure to daytime soap opera and shifts in moral judgment toward social convention. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 54(4), 621-640. 
Vogeley, K. & Bente, G. (2010). “Artificial humans”: Psychology and neuroscience perspectives on embodiment and nonverbal communication. Neural Networks, 23(8-9), 1077-1090. 
Walther, J.B., Carr, C., Choi, S., DeAndrea, D., Kim, J., Tong, S.T., & Van Der Heide, B. (2010). Interaction of interpersonal, peer, and media influence sources online: A research agenda for technology convergence. In Z. Papacharissi (Ed.), The Networked Self (pp. 17-38). New York: Routlege. 
Walther, J.B., Van Der Heide, B., Tong, S.T., Carr, C.T., & Atkin, C.K. (2010). Effects of interpersonal goals on inadvertent intrapersonal influence in computer-mediated communication. Human Communication Research, 36, 323-347. 
Westerman, D., & Tamborini, R. (2010). Scriptedness and televised sports: Violent consumption and viewer enjoyment. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 29(3), 321-337. 
Wilms, M., Schilbach, L., Pfeiffer, U., Bente, G., Fink, G.R., & Vogeley, K. (2010). It's in your eyes - using gaze-contingent stimuli to create truly interactive paradigms for social cognitive and affective neuroscience. SCAN, 5 (1), 98-107. 
Wittenbaum, G.M. (2010). Hidden profiles. In J. M. Levine & M. A. Hogg (Eds.) Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations: Vol. I (pp. 398-400). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 
Wittenbaum, G.M. (2010). Sociometric Choice. In J. M. Levine & M. A. Hogg (Eds.) Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations: Vol II (pp. 831-833). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 
Wittenbaum, G.M., Shulman, H.C., & Braz, M. (2010). Social ostracism in task groups: The effects of group composition. Small Group Research, 330-353. 

2009 Publications

2011 publications