Following is a list of MSU researchers who will be presenting at the 107th annual NCA convention, Nov. 18-21, in Seattle.
Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021
Morality And COVID-19 Prevention Among University Students: The Roles of Anticipated Guilt, Collective Orientation and Concern for Others
Thu, 11/18: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: Ballroom 6A - Sixth Level
Monique Mitchell Turner
Youjin Jang, Michigan State University
Rachel Carolyn Barry, Ohio State University
Ruth Heo, Michigan State University
Qijia Ye, Michigan State University
Gender Identity, Media, and Esteem
Thu, 11/18: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Shay Xuejing Yao, Michigan State University
Social Identity Perspective as a Framework for Understanding Children’s Gender Identity and Media Selection Gratifications
Thu, 11/18: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Melinda Raynae Aley, Michigan State University
Fashina Aladé, Michigan State University
Resilience Strategies Buffer Negative Associations of Marginalizing Communication on Career Outcomes for Women in Male-Dominated Workplaces
Thu, 11/18: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Room: Aspen - Second Floor
Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, Michigan State University
Patricia Gettings, University at Albany, SUNY
Critical Rhetoric in Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Health Studies
Thu, 11/18: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: Ballroom 6A - Sixth Level
Sarah F. Price, Florida Gulf Coast University
Co-Performer (s)
Jae Puckett, Michigan State University
L. Zachary DuBois, University of Oregon
Discussing Mental Health Online: How Content of Support-Seeking Disclosure Strategies Influences the Types and Characteristics of Social Support Offered in a Depression Help SubReddit
Thu, 11/18: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: Ballroom 6A - Sixth Level
Brandon M. Walling, Michigan State University
Reducing the influence of algorithm-based news recommendation on selective exposure and polarization: A susceptible paradigm of damage control
Thu, 11/18: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 6E Lobby - Sixth Level
Siyuan Ma, Michigan State University
Project Team Responses to External and Internal Obstacles: Lessons from the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry
Thu, 11/18: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Room: Cedar AB - Second Floor
Vernon Miller, Michigan State University
Scott E. Shank, Michigan State University
Sinem Mollaoglu, Michigan State University
Kenneth J. Levine, Michigan State University
Brian Manata, Pennsylvania State University
Angelo Garcia, Michigan State University
Changes in Time, Platform, and Genre of Children’s Media Use due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Thu, 11/18: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 619 - Sixth Level
Fashina Aladé, Michigan State University
Dar Meshi, Michigan State University
Caryn Herring, Michigan State University
Kaitlin Lewin, Michigan State University
Erica Lescht, University of Pittsburgh
Amanda Hampton Wray, University of Pittsburgh
Understanding Publication Pressure and Who Gets Assistant Professors Jobs in Communication
Thu, 11/18: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Room: Redwood B - Second Floor
Shelby Wilcox, Michigan State University
Andrea June Schaaf, Michigan State University
The evolution of multiplex interorganizational networks during the worst public health crisis in a century: The connection between representational and substantial relationships
Thu, 11/18: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Room: Aspen - Second Floor
Yiqi Li, Syracuse University
Aimei Yang, University of Southern California
Wenlin Liu, University of Houston
Jingyi Sun, University of Southern California
Chuqing Dong, Michigan State University
Lichen Zhen, University of Southern California
Addressing the Autonomous Divide: Understanding Clustered Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicle Consumers
Thu, 11/18: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 6E Lobby - Sixth Level
Andrea June Schaaf, Michigan State University
Gary Bente, Michigan State University
Hayder Radha, Michigan State University
Trust and Coping Beliefs Contribute to Racial Disparities in Covid-19 Vaccination Intention
Thu, 11/18: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 609 - Sixth Level
Nikki McClaran, Michigan State University
Nancy Rhodes, Michigan State University
Shay Xuejing Yao, Michigan State University
Yash Gangal, Michigan State University
Social Media Use and Alcohol Consumption: A 10-Year Systematic Review Thu, 11/18: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 619 - Sixth Level
Sunyoung Park, Michigan State University
Yao Dong, Michigan State University
Saleem Alhabash, Michigan State University
Hanneke Hendriks, University of Amsterdam
Sandi W. Smith, Michigan State University
Reactance to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Messages: Face Threat and Politeness Strategies in Memorable Daily Conversations Among Couples
Thu, 11/18: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 608 - Sixth Level
Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, Michigan State University
Shelby Wilcox, Michigan State University
Amanda J. Holmstrom, Michigan State University
Johnny McGraw, Michigan State University
Ralf Schmaelzle, Michigan State University
College students’ trust in social media as a source of diet information: A gender-informed analysis
Thu, 11/18: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: Ballroom 6A - Sixth Level
Nagwan Refaat Zahry, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Jiying Ling, Michigan State University
An Investigation into Journalists’ Adherence to the Rigors of Solutions Journalism Reporting Thu, 11/18: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: Ballroom 6A - Sixth Level
Serena Miller, Michigan State University
Indri Maulidar, Michigan State University
Jennifer Cox, Salisbury University
Mediated Violence and Aggression
Thu, 11/18: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Joshua Baldwin, Michigan State University
Kelly P. Dillon, Wittenberg University
Friday, Nov 19, 2021
Examining negative portrayals of African Americans and biased language in online crime news
Fri, 11/19: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Marisa A. Smith, Michigan State University
Investigating the Role Video Game Players’ Supportive Communication Plays in Moderating the Effects of Toxicity in Online Gaming
Fri, 11/19: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 203 - Second Level
Duy Pham, Michigan State University
Yours, mine, or ours: Dyadic coping and confirmation for physical activity in romantic couples
Fri, 11/19: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 616 - Sixth Level
Amanda J. Holmstrom, Michigan State University
Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, Michigan State University
Shelby Wilcox, Michigan State University
Ralf Schmaelzle, Michigan State University
Psychological Reactance in Response to COVID-19 Recommendations: The Mediating Role of Media
Fri, 11/19: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 609 - Sixth Level
Michele Hanigan Boehm, University of Delaware
Allie White, University of Delaware
Kami Silk, University of Delaware
Scott E. Caplan, University of Delaware
Alexa Roscizewski, Michigan State University
Limiting Indoor Social Gatherings to Ten or Fewer to Flatten the COVID-19 Curve: Political Affiliation Moderates the Effect of Injunctive Norms on Perceived Freedom Threat and Behavioral Intentions
Fri, 11/19: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 609 - Sixth Level
Sunyoung Park, Michigan State University
Sandi W. Smith, Michigan State University
The Character Engagement and Moral Adjustment Model (CEMAM)
*Presented during Top Paper Session, Mass Communication Division
Fri, 11/19: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Matthew Grizzard, Ohio State University
Allison L. Eden, Michigan State University
Heroes are Motivated by Altruism and Villains are Motivated by Egoism in Walt Disney Studio Films
*Presented during Top Paper Session, Mass Communication Division
Fri, 11/19: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Lindsay Hahn, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Melinda Raynae Aley, Michigan State University
Alexandra Frank, University of Georgia
Candice Lawrence, University of Georgia
Tahleen A. Lattimer, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Cultural Tailoring of Environmental Communication Interventions
Fri, 11/19: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 212 - Second Level
Maria K. Lapinski, Michigan State University
John Oetzel, University of Waikato
“I Saw it on Grey’s Anatomy”: Audience Expectations and Receptivity to Educational Content in Entertainment
Fri, 11/19: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: Ballroom 6A - Sixth Level
Nikki McClaran, Michigan State University
Nancy Rhodes, Michigan State University
Trust in COVID-19 Information Sources and Perceived Risk among Smokers
Fri, 11/19: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: Ballroom 6A - Sixth Level
Reed Reynolds, Michigan State University
Co-Performer (s)
Scott Weaver, Georgia State University
Amy Nyman, Georgia State University
Michael Eriksen, Georgia State University
A Second Chance to Protect Yourself and Others: The Impact of Interactivity and Efficacy Messages on Influenza Vaccination Intentions in Virtual Reality (VR)
Fri, 11/19: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 609 - Sixth Level
Joomi Lee, Michigan State University
Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn, University of Georgia
Dai-Yun Wu, National Chengchi University
Jih Hsuan Tammy Lin, National Chengchi University
Jooyoung Kim, University of Georgia
Expanding the Risk Perception Attitude Framework in the Context of COVID-19
Fri, 11/19: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 603 - Sixth Level
Youjin Jang, Michigan State University
Monique Mitchell Turner - Michigan State University
Maria K. Lapinski, Michigan State University
Taiquan Peng, Michigan State University
Andrea June Schaaf, Michigan State University
Sanguk Lee, Michigan State University
Communication and Social Cognition Division Business Meeting
Fri, 11/19: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 613 - Sixth Level
Torsten Reimer, Purdue University
Matthew Grizzard, Ohio State University
Christopher J. Carpenter, Western Illinois University
Tillman Russell, Georgia State University
Jacob T. Fisher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Shay Xuejing Yao, Michigan State University
Confronting Whiteness through Virtual Humans: A systematic review of 20 years of research in prejudice and racial bias using virtual environments
Fri, 11/19: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 602 - Sixth Level
Haley R. Hatfield, University of Georgia
Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn, University of Georgia
Matthew Klein, Michigan State University
Kristine Nowak, University of Connecticut
How to Engage Employees in CSR? Exploring CSR Communication Effects Through the Reasoned Action Approach
Fri, 11/19: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM PST
Room: University - Fourth Floor, Union Street Tower
Chuqing Dong, Michigan State University
Yafei Zhang, West Texas A&M University
Song Ao, University of Macau
Adoption of a Therapy Chatbot among College Students: An Exploratory Study Applying Uses and Gratification and Efficacy Frameworks
Fri, 11/19: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Room: Redwood B - Second Floor
Sue Lim, Michigan State University
Computationally Modeling Mood Management Theory: A Drift-Diffusion Model of People’s Preference for Valence and Arousal
*Presented during Top Paper Session, Communication and Social Cognition Division
Fri, 11/19: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 613 - Sixth Level
Xuanjun Gong, University of California, Davis
Richard Huskey, University of California, Davis
Allison L. Eden, Michigan State University
Ezgi Ulusoy, Michigan State University
What is the Moral of the Story? The Representation of Altruistic and Egoistic Intuitions in Children’s Films
Fri, 11/19: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Ron Tamborini, Michigan State University
Melinda Raynae Aley, Michigan State University
Joshua Baldwin, Michigan State University
Sara Grady, Michigan State University
Matthew Olah, Michigan State University
The Impact of Comparative Moral Superiority on the Appeal of Fictional Characters
Fri, 11/19: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Ron Tamborini, Michigan State University
Joshua Baldwin, Michigan State University
Sara Grady, Michigan State University
Henry Goble, Michigan State University
Matthew Olah, Michigan State University
Support Gaps During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sex Differences and Effects on Well-Being
Fri, 11/19: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 211 - Second Level
Amanda J. Holmstrom, Michigan State University
Samantha J. Shebib, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Josephine K. Boumis, University of South Florida
Amanda Marie Allard, Michigan State University
Adam J. Mason, Michigan State University
Jong In Lim, Michigan State University
Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Latino Population: How Traditional Radio and TV Broadcasting Intersected with Vulnerability
Fri, 11/19: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 310 - Third Level
Manuel Chavez, Michigan State University
Adoption of a Therapy Chatbot among College Students: An Exploratory Study Applying Uses and Gratification and Efficacy Frameworks
Fri, 11/19: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Room: Redwood B - Second Floor
Sue Lim, Michigan State University
Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021
Power, Leadership, and Social Cognition
Sat, 11/20: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 613 - Sixth Level
Shay Xuejing Yao, Michigan State University
Local information infrastructure and the distribution of COVID-19 information on Facebook in six Great Lakes communities
Sat, 11/20: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 310 - Third Level
Ava Francesca Battocchio, Michigan State University
Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice, Michigan State University
Kelley Cotter, Arizona State University
Chuqing Dong, Michigan State University
Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern University
Chris Etheridge, University of Kansas
Sabrina Kohlmeier, Michigan State University
Moldir Moldagaliyeva, Michigan State University
Marisa A. Smith, Michigan State University
Kjerstin Thorson, Michigan State University
Lydia Werth, Michigan State University
Yingying Chen, University of South Carolina
Transformation and Transparency: Writing for "Rhetoric Society Quarterly"
Sat, 11/20: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM PST
Room: Willow B - Second Floor
Jacqueline Rhodes, Michigan State University
Rebecca Conklin, Michigan State University
Stacey Sowards, University of Texas, Austin
Donnie Johnson Sackey, University of Texas, Austin
Why Family Members Stray: Applying Rusbult’s Investment Model to the Context of Family Distancing
Sat, 11/20: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 611 - Sixth Level
Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, Michigan State University
Nicole Campbell, New York University
Molly Carlisle, Michigan State University
Jacqueline Silverstone, Michigan State University
Marissa Immel, Michigan State University
Kelsey Earle, Michigan State University
Examining Antecedents of Romantic Conflict First Responses: An Experiment Theoretically Framed by Interaction Adaptation Theory
Sat, 11/20: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 608 - Sixth Level
Samantha J. Shebib, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Amanda J. Holmstrom, Michigan State University
Sexual Harassment and Confirmation Theory: How Recipients Perceive the Dimensions of Acceptance and Challenge
Sat, 11/20: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 608 - Sixth Level
Allison P. Mazur, University of California, Santa Barbara
Amanda J. Holmstrom, Michigan State University
Covid-19 and Entertainment Media
Sat, 11/20: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 620 - Sixth Level
Allison L. Eden, Michigan State University
Sara Grady, Michigan State University
Relational Outcomes of Esteem Support Conversations: An Experiment of the Effects of Esteem Support Messages and Tactile Communication
Sat, 11/20: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 608 - Sixth Level
Samantha J. Shebib, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Amanda Marie Allard, Michigan State University
Josephine K. Boumis, University of South Florida
Jong In Lim, Michigan State University
Amanda J. Holmstrom, Michigan State University
Adam J. Mason, Michigan State University
It’s Complicated: The Relationship Between Mood and Self-control in Entertainment Media Selection
Sat, 11/20: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Ezgi Ulusoy, Michigan State University
Allison L. Eden, Michigan State University
Moderated by Inconsistent Definition and Media Environment: A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Selective Exposure on Polarization
Sat, 11/20: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 607 - Sixth Level
Siyuan Ma, Michigan State University
Testing the vicarious experience of relatedness need satisfaction: BIRGing at the movies
Sat, 11/20: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Ron Tamborini, Michigan State University
Sara Grady, Michigan State University
Joshua Baldwin, Michigan State University
Melinda Raynae Aley, Michigan State University
Henry Goble, Michigan State University
Matthew Olah, Michigan State University
Social norm cues and the narrative enjoyment and appreciation rationale (NEAR)
Sat, 11/20: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 613 - Sixth Level
Kevin Kryston, Sam Houston State University
Allison L. Eden, Michigan State University
Effects of Point of View and Writing Style Consistency on the Perceived Warranting Value of a Political Social Media Post
Sat, 11/20: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 602 - Sixth Level
Kelsey Earle, Michigan State University
Identifying moments of peak audience engagement from brain responses to a funny story in regions associated with audition, social cognition, and reward
Sat, 11/20: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 613 - Sixth Level
Ralf Schmaelzle, Michigan State University
Shelby Wilcox, Michigan State University
Nolan Theodore Jahn, Michigan State University
Mentoring, Networking and Building Community as Asian/Pacific American Scholars
Sat, 11/20: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 204 - Second Level
Zhuo Ban, University of Cincinnati
Shaunak Sastry, University of Cincinnati
Ali Na, Queen's University
Rebecca de Souza, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Richie Neil Hao, Antelope Valley College
Julia Rose DeCook, Loyola University
Elizabeth S. Parks, Colorado State University
Sumaira Abrar, University of New Mexico
David C. Oh, Ramapo College
Najma Akhther, Wayne State University
Keisuke Kimura, University of New Mexico
Marissa Joanna Doshi, Hope College
Zhao Ding, Dixie State University
Chiaoning Su, Oakland University
Kikuko Omori, California State University Sacramento
Jenny Korn, Harvard University
Vipulya Chari, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ningyang Wang, Louisiana State University
Mike Alvarez, University of New Hampshire
Yusaku Yajima, University of Louisiana at Monroe
Sunny Lie, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Mariko Izumi, Columbus State University
Lisa K. Hanasono, Bowling Green State University
LeiLani Nishime, University of Washington, Seattle
Natasha Shrikant, University of Colorado, Boulder
Colby Y. Miyose, University of Hawaii, Hilo
Seonah Kim, University of Washington, Seattle
Yuanwei Lyu, University of Alabama
Alison Yeh Cheung, University of Utah
Ako Inuzuka, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Yifan Xu, University of Texas, Austin
Nicholas David Bowman, Texas Tech University
Debalina Dutta, Massey University
Sarah Idzik, Northwestern University
Shuzhen Huang, Bloomsburg University
Eun-Jeong Han, Salisbury University
Terrie Siang-Ting Wong, Penn State University, Brandywine
Emi Kanemoto, State University of New York, Geneseo
Jing Jiang, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Sakina Jangbar, St. John's University
Satarupa Dasgupta, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Sayyed Fawad Shah, Jacksonville State University
Noorie Baig, University of New Mexico
Moana Luri de Almeida, Florida Gulf Coast University
Iccha Basnyat, George Mason University
Blessy McWan, Bowling Green State University
Marie-Esther Buh, Kean University
Shinsuke Eguchi, University of New Mexico
EunYoung Lee, Central Washington University
Tate Adams, Colorado State University
Pamara Chang, University of Cincinnati
Duy Pham, Michigan State University
Andrew Thane Boge, University of Iowa
Srividya Ramasubramanian, Syracuse University
Minhao Dai, Kennesaw State University
Soumia Bardhan, University of Colorado, Denver
Maryam Ahmadi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jennifer L. LeMesurier, Colgate University
Kakali Bhattacharya Chakrabarti, Austin Peay State University
Kent A. Ono, University of Utah
Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, Indiana University
Ping Yang, Millersville University
Xianlin Jin, University of Kentucky
Vincent N. Pham, Willamette University
Euni Kim, University of Utah
Jacqueline Yu, University of California Berkeley
Mei Zhang, Missouri Western State University
Xia Sheng, University of Kentucky
Divya S, University of Miami
Molly Han, University of Kansas
Jungmin Kwon, Portland State University
Fan Yang, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Hyunsook Youn, California State University Channel Islands
Curtis Ladrillo Chamblee, University of Memphis
Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021
Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Communication
Andrea June Schaaf, Michigan State University
Trusting AI: Examining the role of trust in the acceptance of AI voice assistants
Sun, 11/21: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 602 - Sixth Level
Hyesun Choung, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Prabu David, Michigan State University
Arun Ross, Michigan State University
Needing Space During Lockdown: A Longitudinal Test of Relational Turbulence Theory in the Context of Conversations About Physical and Emotional Space During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sun, 11/21: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 608 - Sixth Level
Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, Michigan State University
Liesel Sharabi, Arizona State University
David J. Roaché, Christopher Newport University
Laurie James-Hawkins, University of Essex
Alyssa Croft, University of Arizona
Cassandra Alexopoulos, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Veronica Lamarche, University of Essex
Maximiliane Uhlich, University of Fribourg
Elisabeth Timmermans, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Happily ever after? The effect of expectancy violations on enjoyment of romantic stories
Sun, 11/21: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 615 - Sixth Level
Allison L. Eden, Michigan State University
Kevin Kryston, Sam Houston State University
Ezgi Ulusoy, Michigan State University
Sara Grady, Michigan State University
On duty or diaper duty? Impacts of job satisfaction, perceptions of organizational support, stigma and leader-member exchange on paternity leave-taking intentions
Sun, 11/21: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST
Room: University - Fourth Floor, Union Street Tower
Emma Hayes, Michigan State University
Kenneth J. Levine, Michigan State University
Out-Party Cues and Factual Beliefs in an Era of Negative Partisanship
Sun, 11/21: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 607 - Sixth Level
Suhwoo Ahn, Michigan State University
Daniel E. Bergan, Michigan State University
Dustin Carnahan, Michigan State University
Rachel Carolyn Barry, Ohio State University
Ezgi Ulusoy, Michigan State University
Presenting a Female Player with Gamer Traits Increases Male Gamers’ Play Intention: A Test of Two Theories
Sun, 11/21: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Washington State Convention Center
Room: 613 - Sixth Level
Shay Xuejing Yao, Michigan State University
David Ewoldsen, Michigan State University