Alumni and Student Spotlight: Jason Wright

HRCMA Student Jason Wright

Q: What was your background prior to starting the HRCMA program? 
I actually got my Bachelor’s here at Michigan State in Political Science, so the HRCMA program was something really new and exciting for me! 

Q: What have you done since joining the program? 
One of the coolest, and I think most impactful things that I’ve done since joining the program would have to be joining Professor Bree Holtz, as well as other contributing authors, in reviewing and revising an article on informed consent. It was really interesting stuff, and having Professor Holtz go through the process with me was fantastic. 

Q: What is your favorite thing about the HRCMA program? 
I love how small the classes are, and that’s something that’s totally different from what you would see in most undergrad classes. You get really specialized instruction and attention from this program, and you can tell that the faculty members and other staffs really do care about the student's success. 

Q: Why did you pick the HRCMA program? 
I picked HRCMA because I heard about the program from a friend, and she was telling me how amazing the program was. I also knew that I wanted to merge my Political Science/Governmental degree and mix it with something health-related. After talking to our program coordinator, Marge, she assured me that she believed this program would be really great for me! 

Q: What has been your favorite class and why? 
My favorite class would have to actually be the one I’m currently in-- Ethics in Advertising. It isn’t a class that is required from the program, but the professor- Professor Rose Tantraphol has to be one of the best professors I’ve had in my time at Michigan State. For starters, the concept itself is REALLY interesting. Professor Tantraphol also does a great job keeping the class entertaining, and making it so that it doesn’t feel like you are just being lectured at. 

Q: When will you be graduating and plans after graduation? 
I’ll HOPEFULLY be graduating this Spring. After graduation, I would like to work in the CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the Department of State specializing on governmental response to disease. 

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