Quello Center 20th Anniversary Celebration

Founded in 1998, this year marks the 20th Anniversary of the James and Mary Quello Center. Our vision remains focused on stimulating and informing debate on media, communication and information policy for our digital age. Join us April 12 as we recap history, celebrate the present and look to the future of the Quello Center.

12:00 PM - Open House and Lunch 

2:00 PM - Bill Dutton & Susan Quello host 20th Anniversary Forum 

2:15 PM - Panel: Reflections on James H. Quello and the Center 

2:45 PM - Panel: Visions of the Next Decade(s) 

3:30 PM - Challenges in Media & Information Policy 

4:30 PM - Discussion: Reflections, Visions and Challenges 

5:00 PM - Refreshments and Informal Discussions 

Guest speakers and panelists include friends, family and colleagues of James Quello, and the visionaries directly responsible for the direction and success of the Center over the past two decades. We are hopeful you can join in our celebration. 

Please RSVP to Anne Marie Salter by April 10 at saltera3@msu.edu.