The BITLab presents: Preliminary Findings from Pemca by Jude Yew

PRELIMINARY FINDINGS FROM PEMCA: a crowdsourced platform for reporting migrant worker accidents and injuries

Room 249 - BITLab

Recent research has projected as many as 4,000 migrant construction worker deaths in the building boom ahead of the Qatar 2022 World Cup. The issue of migrant worker safety and worksite deaths is not con ned to any one country, and is likely to be a much larger problem that what institutions or governments are acknowledging. A lack of transparency in the reporting of worksite deaths and under-reporting due to employer intimidation means that the true scale of the problem is unknown. Our research intends address this gap by producing an online mobile reporting platform named Pemca that will allow migrants workers themselves to crowdsource report instances of worker injuries or deaths. This talk will present preliminary findings from our participatory co-design and engagement with migrant worker communities in Singapore - in particular, I will report on our initial interviews, focus group and other engagements with the broader ecology of stakeholders surrounding the issue of worksite accidents and injuries involving migrant workers. Additionally, I will present our initial designs and prototypes for Pemca. The overall goal of this research is to contribute to raising awareness and increasing the transparency of the global issue of workplace deaths. We seek to contribute to the broader conversation about global  ows of migrant workers and the challenges faced in designing technologies for such marginalized communities.

JUDE YEW is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore. He joined CNM in 2012 after finishing a Ph.D. and Postodoc at the University of Michigan. His research is focused on studying and designing social computing systems that encourage prosocial behavior. Specifically, he is interested in understanding, modeling, predicting, and designing for prosocial human behavior within sociotechnical systems. He has studied and designed environments for large scale scientific collaboration, the use of social tagging in learning, and the sharing and reuse of user-generated content in online communities. Additionally, he has received funding from the the Keio-NUS CUTE Center, NSF and the Rackham Graduate School for this work.