Jeff Searl

Jeff Searl


  • Communicative Sciences & Disorders
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Jeff Searl is a professor in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders (CSD). He is the Director of the Undergraduate Program in CSD.  Dr. Searl is the director of the Lip-Tongue-Larynx Lab (LTL Lab) focused on studying the impacts of cancer and other diseases on speech and voice production. The goal of his research is to identify or develop best clinical practices that preserve, rehabilitate, or optimize communication in the presence of these diseases.

Dr. Searl examines voice and speech production from multiple perspectives utilizing physiological, acoustic, and auditory-perceptual methodologies. He approaches the study of communication as a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist with extensive experience treating laryngeal voice disorders, alaryngeal communication disorders (that is, after the larynx is removed), and speech and communication issues after surgical or oncological treatment of oral-pharyngeal cancer. Of particular interest over the past several years is understanding issues of effort and fatigue associated with communicating when a person has an altered speech system. Findings clinical approaches to minimize effort is a primary motivation for the research done in the LTL Lab.

Dr. Searl also has a strong interest in building a well-qualified workforce of speech-language pathologists and other healthcare providers who can provide evidence-based interventions for people with head and neck cancer. In pursuit of this goal, Dr. Searl is working to develop innovative simulation trainings in collaboration with experts in simulation training, virtual reality app development, and interprofessional education and training. Additionally, Dr. Searl works with several non-profit organizations to plan and execute training conferences for students and practicing clinicians.

Dr. Searl earned his BA in Psychology from Santa Clara University followed by hi MA and Ph.D. degrees in speech-language pathology from the University of Kansas. He is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and has held several leadership positions in this and other professional organizations.


Director of the Undergraduate Programs (Major and Minor) in Communicative Sciences and Disorders

Faculty Advisor, MSU National Student Speech, Language, Hearing Association

Research and Teaching

Voice Disorders, Head and Neck Cancer, Speech Production

Recent Publications

Kearney, A., Searl, J., Erickson-DiRenzo, E. and Doyle, P. (in press). The impact of COVID-19 on speech-language pathologists engaged in clinical practices with elevated coronavirus transmission risk. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

Searl, J. and Dargin, T. (2021). Voice and lifestyle of speech-language pathology students: Impact of history gathering method on self-reported data. Journal of Voice, 35(1):158.e9-158.e20. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2019.08.014

Knollhoff, S., Borrie, S., Barret, T. and Searl, J. (2021). Listener impressions of alaryngeal communication modalities. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, epub 27 Jan, doi10.1080/17549507.2020.1849400

Searl, J., Dargin, T., Fritz, A. and Kuza, G. (2020). Voice and lifestyle behaviors of student singers: Impact of history gathering method on self-reported data. Journal of Voice, epub 24 Sep, S0892-1997(20)30341-6. doi10.1016/j.jvoice.2020.08.041

Searl, J. (2020). Sense of effort and articulatory contact pressure associated with talking by individuals using tracheoesophageal speech. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopedica, 72(3): 218-227. doi: 10.1159/000496794

Searl, J. and Knollhoff, S. (2019). Articulation contact pressure scaled to the physiologic range of the tongue in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A pilot study. Journal of Communication Disorders, 82: 105-116. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2019.105937

Research Centers and Labs

Lip-Tongue-Larynx (LTL) Lab

Health and Risk Communication Center

Thematic Research Areas

Neurocognitive Communication

Healthy People Healthy Planet

Contact Information

404 Wilson Rd, Room
Communication Arts and Sciences Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824